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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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My Grandfather
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Out of Bound
Random Thoughts
May The Floss Be with You
On Becoming "Mrs Lee"
Vexed & Charisma
Somehow a series....part 1
Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Monday, February 27, 2006

2 Sundays

Spent the last last Sunday 19 Feb at Marina Square's Spagadies, attending a Pri School Class Gathering. Seen a few ex-classmates whom I had never meet after so many years. Was quite Surprised when someone blurt out I was "high profile" a fews years ago even though I wasn't in contact with them then.
Me? High profile?

Then latered realised that they were refering to the articles I had wrote for the local Chinese newspaper when i was in my poly days.

"Everytime see yr name" someone said.


Not going to write abt what happened during the gathering, but I enjoyed the one- a year class gathering. Such a "strange finding" that abt 60% of those present are in the Public service. Only one was working for a private company and 2 of them are still studying.

Spent the previous Sun (26 Feb) learning how make cards. Haha, it's not as if I dunno how to make cards lah. Just that I redeem my "fully chopped" card on a free lesson. In fact even though I was later, I manage to complete the 1st card together with the rest. And I swear that one of the card which we were taught to make, I had seen the design on a craft the

I had "secretky" made slights changes to the cards which we were taught , e.g: do it in the reversed way; add less flower here, but more flower there; cut the ribbon in a different way. kekeke.

Anyway here a pic of the cards (click on it for a larger view). And I had sent out two liao!

Was telling Flutterby perhaps next time I can also offer card-making lessons. Hahaha

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Tuesday, February 21, 2006


本以为逃过阿杜那一关,没想到“楼上的”竟在杜府”上大闹,说什么她也有点到“楼下的”。天啊,人小鬼大。没办法哦,我只好乖乖地接受这“挑战”。唯!“楼上的”,你以前也没做我的333 Meme, 还敢耍赖。


A. 理想伴侶是男or是女?
B. 必须点名8个人,用尽所有办法通知每个被点名的人参与游戏,回答同样的问题。
C. 被点名的人不可重复点名,每个人只可玩一次。

理想伴侣是男是女啊? 男


1. 像我老公那么高
2. 像我老公那么帅
3. 像我老公那么老
4. 像我老公那么好
5. 像我老公那么有才华
6. 像我老公那么谦虚
7. 像我老公那么有钱
8. 像我老公那么感性

哈哈哈 , 这样算作答了吧。

好了好了,以上只是我乱闹罢了。人家“李大爷”可是“神”。这么“神”又“出”的人,怎么可以做伴侣呢? 我的答案如下:

1. 容得下我家人 / 懂得如何应付我家人。 (我那老妈已很难应付了….)

2. 抄承尧的:不用花太多力氣就能了解我的想法,也不用讓我花太多時間猜他再想什麼的人,在一 起時話不用太多。 (也就是指“默契”)

3. 不用長得非常好看,也不许太有钱 (长得太帅或拥有太多钱,我会担心别的女人抢走他)感覺對最重要。高度:1.75 – 1.85 m (这是根据经验所发现的最登对高度) 。

4. 喜歡聽音樂,如果是听中文流行音乐会多加分,会唱歌也多加分 (磁性的音色最好不过),会弹琴给我听也多加分(总觉得钢琴手比吉他手感性和性感,阿杜除外,哈哈哈。 But think of how Lee Hom looked when he played the piano and sang. 王太,放心啦,你老公太帅了,我不敢要)。

5. 要“Man”, 但不大男人主义; 是个SNAG (sensitive new age guy)最好不过。 千万不要跟我嗲,我受不了大男人嗲。

6. 要比我聪明一点(聪明到偶尔会装笨让我以为我骗得过他,为的是来哄我开心)。文凭是其次,只要有上进心就好。

7. 要成熟稳重,但不闷 (因为我有时候可以玩得很疯的。)偶尔会去想些点子让我们的生活有些刺激,不要想歪 哦,我指的是他会提议我们休闲时去尝试些活动,如:archery, powerboating, 骑马, 玩flying fox….

8. 要诚实; 对我忠心耿耿,痴心绝对(哈哈哈);待人诚恳;不耍手段;不奸诈。

因为题目有个“理想”, 所以我的条件会比较苛刻. 但你被爱神的箭射中时,已被冲昏了头,哪会去管他符合你的“理想伴侣”的条件嘛!


Let’s see who have not “tio” and can write Chinese blog entries,

Yanfen, Fengling, Nicco, 嘉琪,Welly and those reading this blog entry but have not been asked to do this meme.

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Monday, February 20, 2006

第一次,thoughts & Empress Dowager

Had been tagged by my friends to do some meme (Chinese one), but think I shall “play” them when I am free.

Guess what?
As at Friday 17 March morning, I can proclaim that:


Very lor-soh hor. But can u see what’s missing?

Yaya, I had never rode on (pillion) a bike in my 24+ yrs of my life.

Had my first biking experience that nite. Haha, after re-read Fannie’s blog entry on her 1st biking experience, I can say I was braver than her. I din close my eyes at all. I quite enjoy the speed (not that the driver drove past the speed limit, in fact the journey was much smoother than I anticipated), can feel the wind. Shiok!

Perhaps there is a side of me who like thrills. I remember how someone screamed when she was pushed from the flying fox platform, but when it was my turn. I even requested my friends to push me higher and harder from the platform. I even dare to try flyin fox on another occasion when I was in dress & heels.

I used to wonder if the pillion rider will fall off the bike when it was turning round a bend. Haha. Like what Fannie said, the body will follow the momentum. Initially, I was grasping tightly on to the side of the seat, after a while, I was tempted not to hold on to the sides, but dun dare to take the risk of falling out and endangered my friend’s reputation of being a safe driver.

Frankly speaking, even if I was offered a ride on the bike again, I will have to consider the driver’s driving skills. It was trust I had in my friend’s driving skills that I dare to take up the offer. (shhh, hopefully he isn’t reading this cos I din tell him that as I din wanna boost his ego. Haha)

Speaking of bike, the new colleague (who was employed to replace the Auntie) is 2 years younger than me, wears colour contacts and rides a bike to work. Female biker sia, seems cool hor.
My boss made me her Reporting Officer, but from my last experience with the Auntie, I din control her much( I din give any orders to I dun wish to be that Auntie but she was already making things difficult), dun wanna seems like a bully, ordering her ard. I kept quiet when on occasions, she din not take much initiative, as it may do to she is still unfamiliar to the work she is expected to do.

However on Friday, my boss told me that it seems to him that I am not controlling her enough and that she seems not to know the hierarchy.

“If you don’t control her now, later you will find it’s difficult to control her.”

听了后,很不是滋味。如何管理下属真得很靠“技术”,拿捏得太紧,别人会在背后说你很野蛮; 管得“太松”,别人又不尊敬你,不听你的指示。

And it so happenned that in that afternoon, I was telling my friend that he being the only guy in his department is such a blessing, as aunties (most aunties) tend to bitch abt the gals but seems to dote on guys. I dunno abt my friends, but according to my past experiences, it seems that those 三姑六婆 , 倚老卖老的aunties tend to treat male colleagues better.

And it is even worse when you are at a higher hierarchy than those aunties, even when you are just delegating jobs to them, they will said that you 目无遵长,以小欺负大。

I hate office politics, try not to get involved in them but it seems unavoidable.

Now, that reminds me of something which I wanted to post earlier.


If you had watched Memoirs of a Geisha, you can’t help wondering why Hatsumomo was so harsh on Sayuri when she just joined the house. As a young girl, Sayuri wasn’t much of a threat.

I recalled the scene where the grown-up Sayuri was telling Dr Crab “ Always seek a second opinion” when he asked her what advise she would give regarding those rumours he had heard abt her.

Always seek a second opinion. How many of us would remember that when we heard rumours abt someone. We are more inclined to believe in the person who spread the rumours if we happened to interact more with him/her. Unless we have a chance to interact with the victim, or dare to question the victim to hear his/her view, we are most likely to be brainwashed.

Ok serious stuff aside, now I shall present to you something yummy from
The Patissier:

It’s call Empress Dowager.

Cost $5 for just a small piece. It’s now lying in the office fridge, 还舍不得吃。According to the website, it’s a vanilla sponge filled with strawberry mousse and fresh raspberries..

*slurps”. But come to think of it, it sounds funny when u say:
“I am going to eat Empress Dowager.”


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Friday, February 17, 2006

号外 !号外!

Lin Tai's comments reminded me of my other tracker.

See what another tracker which I had installed showed:

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then I went to Lin Tai's blog, then check her tracker. And oh my god, apparrently Ah Du's fan visted her site too!

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Sips, dun mind I "koped" har.

Ah Du, if anything happens to us, U know u are the cause of trouble. ahahhahahah!

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Thursday, February 16, 2006

Ah Du's Obssessed Fan????

Rather gossipy entry. ahhaha.

Guess what caught my attention when I was browsing thru my blog tracking report.

Yah, someone had spent 1 hr 17 minutes looking through my blog to find any trace of info regarding Ah Du. Not that "construction worker turned singer" Ah Du, but the "Muchuan Ah Du".

It's not the first time that I had seen ppl reading my blog to find out more abt Muchuan Ah Du. But this one is scary man. Normally, they would spent less than 5 mins. He/she (hahaha) spent more than an hr searching thru my archives! Those pages that he/she had visited all contained "Ah Du" in them. Gosh, I wondered will I be in danger (cos I had taken pics with Ah Du).....

Oh Yoyo, Sips, Happytig, will u all be in danger too?

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

10-14 Feb

Wanted to write some serious post but no time, no mood. Hahaha.
Furthermore, had some “happenings” during the past few days, so shall tackle them first.

10 Feb (Fri)


Anyone know the Birthday Bears that Meiji introduced? I had been searching for my birthday bear since early last year.
And on Friday evening, while running errands at a neigbourhood town, I heard “痴心绝对”blasting out from a shop. So naturally, I hang ard, just to hear that song. And when I walked past Watsons, I suddenly have a thought that it might have my Meiji bear. And true enough, it was the first box I see on the racks. 很准hor .
Anyway, though I admit the 17 Aug bear doesn’t look nice, I still bought it.

Spent my Sat(11 Feb) KTVing with friends. Haha so funny pia~ing hokkien songs then “hubbies’songs”. But rather stress too, as they are “pro”.

I love the sepia effects of my phone camera!
Went to Island Creamery with “10 yr friend” on sun (12 Feb).As I hadn’t been there for a few months, was surprised to find that it had shifted to a bigger premises (which is just a few units from its old address).

Ohh, looks more like a café now

I got Fannie to try out my recommendations --- Teh Tarik & Very Berry (Which she gave thumbs up for both). With her taking my favourite choices, I was left to try out new favours.

Tried Pineapple Tart (yes, it contains pineapple and cookies crumbs, exactly like the pineapple tarts we have for CNY) and Reverse Oreo. Slurps.
Was so engrossed with our ice-cream that we only realized we din take a “before” pic. Hence we took a “after pic”. Of cos, I chose to use my hp to take pic in sepia mode.

13 Feb (Mon)

Actually, nothing secretive lah, but shall post it on my other blog. Too lazy to write now.

14 Feb (Tue)

Received all these:

But me on diet, cannot eat leh.
More sinful stuff were available at our office Valentine’s Party – Chocolate fondue & Chocolate Ice cream cake. I managed to avoid taking the chocolate fondue but not the cake.
The names of the “Secret Pals” were revealed and two lucky staff who got the correct guess won $10 Isetan voucher. So, if u are wondering if I am one of the lucky two, ask me when u see me lah. Hahaha

Anyway, someone who was not given my permission had fallen into my trap. And I am not so stupid to waste my time to refute all those nonsense.

And to my dear friends, forgive me if I dun have time to response yr messages these few days. Had been very busy recently, doing handover. The newcomer came in on Monday, and now “boss” want her to report to me. Till now I still dun like the feeling of being someone’s superior.
“那些不用用脑的,交给她做。要用脑的,就是你做。” That was his instructions….

How would you feel if u hear this.....

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Friday, February 10, 2006

4 Feb 06 & the following week

First thing to settle:

If you think I am stupid not to know u called me a moron behind my back, then it is u yrself who is a moron. And I was given MC due to my fever, so dun push the blame on me that I spread the virus when u woke up with a sore throat the next day. Think abt what u ate in the evening!

Ok I shall continue with what happened last weekend

4 Feb 06 (Sat)

I broke another record. It’s the first time in my life that I 捞鱼生 twice on 人日. Cos I had two gatherings on that day!

Arrived at “Ah-ka’s” humble abode in the afternoon with my contribution of Prima Deli’s Chicken pie and Tuna puff (din manage to get Choc & Spice muffins). Not that I dunno how to cook, just that I dun have the privacy of cooking without some nosey poker complaining. Shrek, Ah Shui (Clownette) were already there.

There were so many things (esp antiques) to see at “Ah-ka’s” humble abode. Hmm there’s a barber chair, quite a few pieces of Chinese teak furniture, two big Ultraman and lots of sculptures in the living room.

See this pic:

And what you see is just one angle of the living room.

Soon, two Ah-Shuis (Nana & French) came , carrying the $48 Yu Sheng. Wow so ex!
Then we proceed to Ah-ka’s kitchen to have our meal.

And u would never expect to find these in a kitchen.

Ah-ka mentioned that her dad used to be a diver; hence he likes to collect these sea/diver related stuffs. Apparently one of those metal thingy is a helmet.

Shall talk abt food. Ah-ka got her mum to make mee siam. I can’t comment on the mee siam as I dun take spicy stuff. However I helped myself to the eggs, tow-gua, fish fillets, fish balls that were meant to go along with mee siam. Then we tried Ah Shui’s apple –orange pasta(very refreshing) and Yvette’s pork chop ( it is really pork chopped into small pieces). Awww, I committed a sin—gluttony.

The guests, the food and the host.

Lunch (or high tea) was followed up by another sin – gambling (which I din commit). It was hilarious to see them being so pang-tang,
1) they seemed to think that keeping their glass of water full will lead to good luck. Hence no one dare to take a sip of Ribena. Those who did not play purpose held their drinks in front of them.
2) Dunno who invented this, think it started off with Clownette. She set her Hp wallpaper to a pic of dog, and this yr is the year of the dog. Then soon everyone start searching for “a piece of dog” for good luck.

Took this pic with my hp. Had set the camera’s mode to “sepia” effects. Hmmm got this “古早” 味道 hor.

Lao Sheng with them before I leave. And as I do not eat raw things, guess what I ate—crackers. Hahaha.

Proceeded to CCK MRT and as I was early, I wandered off in Lot wat, thinking what to buy for my “dinner contribution”. Turned out that I actually need not buy the packets of sotong and crab balls cos fewer ppl turned up then expected and BR’s mum had prepared lots of food.

Lets’ see what we had for dinner – curry (which I can smelt that it is hot), homemade ngor hiang (crunchy – think it is better than AH Tee ko ko mee’s ngor hiang), prawns and fried bee hoon. Lao sheng again before we had our dinner.

Played some games after dinner. First it was a drinking (non alcoholic) game, then we played “in between” with pototo chips as chips. Haha that mean lose had to eat potato chips lah. Sips was our target most of the time cos often she was the suay one. Hahah sorry gal huh, u know I play game very fair one, choose u cos I know u are the one who dun want to eat the chips. 玩游戏要完狠的才好玩嘛。Like what BigCow said, there is a”target” for every game.
But think in the end everyone have a fair share of the chips. Hahaha they do not know I have a craving for potato chips at times, I was munching happily when I got chips to eat in the end.

BR mum served us muah chee after our game. Woah, tasted so “Q-Q” . *slurps*

We decided to burn off some fats by walking to Lot One. On the way, Yoyo entertained us wth his singing & chacha, then followed up by his spoof of Hastsumomo & Sayuri. Haha we actually asked him to see if he can caught the eye of two Bangala who were riding towards us in their bicycles…

He tried, but he said:”they dun even look at me leh”

“You are NOT ready (to be a geisha)”.


I could only play pool for a short while as I need to catch the last bus ride home. Can I be proud so say out of the two games I have with Yu Zhi and Cheng Yao respectively, I won both rounds (with my never use eye to aim skills). And I didn’t win because 他们进黑球. Yeah yeah yeah. . Perhaps luck was on my side ba.

As for the rest of the week. It was work work work. The old aunty played some tricks on her last few days of work, did a bad handover (as expected).
And guess what, we (ppl in my company) were made to play his “Secret pal” game by HR department cos it is the Romance period. It is actually like “angel and mortel”, where we are a “secret pal” of another colleague and vice-versa. Haiyo but as our company is a case of 阴胜阳衰, chances of getting a gal is higher. I picked out a gal, phew! (and u know what this means right?).

Think HR is trying to initiate a “fun” environment but we are rather reluctant….

As at now, I had receive two Rochers chocolates, a box of Chocolate Pocky from my “secret pal”, and I had given a box of chocolate and Strawberry Pocky to my secret pal.

Had sat for a test on Fri (10 Feb), it was a competency test that I have to take after attending the course last week. Shiong arh.
Haha that’s y u can see I din spend much time writing this entry properly. Kekeke
Excuses excuses.

I just wanna settle these blog debts so that I can post some more serious entries.

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Thursday, February 09, 2006

27 Jan 06 to 3 Feb 06

Received quite a few comments abt my blog being stagnant for a week。The reason is simply because I do not have nay access to internet for the past few days.

Hmm let me recapped (Gonna to be 流水账)

On 27 Jan 06 (fri), went to the shop where my friend is working to get my new phone. If only I had thought of asking for her help weeks ago. Then I do not need to endure the frustrations of carrying two spoilt phone for weeks, Anyway, how fortunate i am to have a friend who is working for the same company as my mobile's service provider. 1stly, I do not need to queue -- simply just head to her counter. 2ndly, she had gone the extra mile of checking to see if I qualify for any corporate plan (which I Do), and helped me to make the conversion. Henceforth, my phone bill will be charge at the basic rate of $14 a month! 3rdly, I received extra freebies -- 4 packets of Ang baos and 2 mandarin oranges.

So this is my new mobile phone. Panasonic V2. Not a new model as it was introduced in Aug last year. But at the price of $68, it's a good bargain. I took the pink model instead as the black ones were out of stock. Had create a pink and purple beaded chain to match the Pink & purple handphone pouch which Ah Shui had given me as a Christmas present last year. So matching and ""so me".

28 Jan 06 (sat).

So it was 年除夕, and as a family tradition, we went to our paternal grandma's house for reunion dinner. Not a reunion dinner (as usual) as aunts and cousins were not around. Watching the countdown program, and it's such a disappointment.

29 Jan 06 (sun)
Frankly speaking, I dun enjoy CNY as much I as did when I was younger. And this year is the 1st time that dad 's ang pow was the smallest we had ever received from him... (less than a blue note). Wonder what happened to the bonus I had given him..

Last year, my siblings and I took a pic together while we were on the way to Grandma’s house. Yeah 3 of us goofing ard at the backseat.
This year, we did the same:

See how my bro could give a sweet look then turned devilish at the next moment!

Nothing interesting to watch on TV this year. So sian. Imagine how happy I was when I can escape after dinner to join my friends for movie.

Meet up with ML, & XM at Orchard Cineleisure. Bought a can of milk coffee while waiting for them. I need my doe of caffine! Then it was confirm that JH, Du, JH & his bro will be joining us. As I had to visit relatives the next day, and i am not interested to watch Heirloom, I only joined them for Fearless ( 霍元甲 )only.

What a relief that instead of being "sotong" I was rather sharp that day. First, I spotted two blank tickets from the stack of tickets we received form the ticketing operator. Turn out that they had failed to generate 4 tickets for Heirloom. They rectified the prob by issuing handwritten tickets. So friends, please check yr tickets after u bought them ok.

Since we had abt 2 hrs of free time before the movie 霍元甲, XM, ML, JH and I went to have coffee at starbucks. Oh yah , that means I had "double shots" of latte. I tried their promotional item , and as always, I took pic of it:

Mocha Valencia Frappucino.
It had quite an unusual twist of orange-- not my cup of "coffee". hahaha.

Quite enjoyed watching 霍元甲, though we were seated at the 2nd row from the screen. It wasn't as violent as I expect. Perhaps I had prepared myself for some horrifying scene upon knowing the movie was give a NC16 rating. At the opening scene, I was so excited watching 霍元甲 fighting 3 ang-mos opponents that my fists clenched naturally when ever I saw the opponent striking Jet Li.
Like the parts where they injected some philosophies in the movie, especially at the scenes where the blind lady took care of 霍元甲 and the scene where 霍元甲 and his jap opponent have a chat over tea. Can’t remember the exact quote, but it was something like the tea leaves to not come in grades, it is Man who grade them. And 霍元甲不愿去评价它们,只想简简单单,开开心心地享受杯中的茶。
电影的结尾蛮感人的,但我没有落泪。 也许是本人认为霍元甲那么做有点愚蠢吧。结果还被那位感动到落泪的朋友骂我们“没良心”:P

As JH and I did not watch heirloom, we left the 5 of them to catch our transport home. Now it was the 2nd incident of that nite/dawn where I was rather sharp (thanks to latte!). We waited for quite sometime and then me, learning my lessons, realized that something was amiss. For the pass 30 minutes, I only saw SBS nite owl service, there wasn’t any “yellow NR buses” in sight! So I walked over to the notice board, and figure out that there was no NR buses in operation, as NR buses on operate on Fri, Sat and eves of public holidays! JH seems to find ways to convince himself that there should be NR lines by stating since the next day is 年初二, today can be an eve of a holiday (which I rebuked that Today is a holiday), Then he pointed out to the notice that 174M also stated that it operates on Fri, Sat and eves of public holidays but we just saw a 174M bus passed by. Then I pointed out to a special notice, informing commuters of the “special few” SBS Nite owl services that will continue to operate during Chinese New Year. I was more fortunate than him, while he was left with the “best choice” of taking 174M and drop off at Bukit timah and walked kilometres home, there was a bus service 162M which I could take which passes through my town.

Think we always took for granted that there will be NR buses whenever we hang out late in town. There was another group of teenagers who walked over to check out the notices after waiting for their buses for quite some time, and I confirmed with them that I did not see any NR buses for the past half an hour.

30 Jan 06(Mon)

Day Two of CNY. We din go to our maternal grandma house as aunt had called to tell us that our uncle(the one who married a C**** wife who is just a yr older than me) was throwing things in their house, And u tot u only saw this on TV right. Think was the 1st time in our lives that we din go to grandma’s house on CNY Day 2.

So we just go to our “lua peh kong”’ house. Watched TV and just slack there while the older generation talk and the younger generation play. Went home to repack my bag before I left for ML’s home。 In summary, it can be described as : talked --> wait for Ah Du , Jia hao & his bro à snacked on CNY goodies --> watched 百年好合on TV --> then headed for Chongqing Steamboat.

Hey, we din eat any seafood (except a few slices of fish lah) that nite, but ate lots of meat (mutton, beef, pork). Played a “mutated version” of “who wanna be a millionaire” that ties in with Truth or Dare (or what Ah du termed as “真心话大冒险”). The Prof Wu-la set the questions / hahah. Anyway dun thing any of us choose to do a “dare”.

Left the place at ard 1am and walked to Esplanade. I was like dozing off to sleep when I din participate in their chats. Can’t be blame right? It’s natural to feel sleepy after a hearty meal.

31 Jan 06 ( Tue)

I was thinking in the morning: “Oh no, I am gonna get fat with another round of steamboat tonite” . But then I had to forgo my steamboat dinner with friends after my uncle sms me to ask me to help my cousin with her maths in the evening…
Anyway, I did follow my agenda of the day – Visit EL’s home. Haha Everyone was late, and since I was in a cab, tobang EL, SY and Sips. Was shocked to see so many ppl in her house, wich EL explained that her father’s students also came to visit. Thus we hang out in her room instead.

Shall I call her room “The Red Chamber”? Her room is so “stylishly “ red. I expected to see a pinkish room instead. But saw her red marbled-effects walls decorated butterflies and branches. She got the potential to be an interior designer! Haha.

After an hr, Chengyao, BR, came. We sang “live!” in her room,-- she played the keyboard while we sang. Then we chomped on CNY goodies (eat again!) and did some stupid poses in front of the camera while waiting for the rest to arrive before we set off for steamboat.

Ok here are some of the pics taken: (click for larger view)

Ah Du , Jiahao & his bro came just as I was abt to go off, and everyone was so excited to see Ah du . Dunno who was the one who urge him to go to the living room to play the piano. Haha at least I managed to hear him playing 《枫》。

(This is for my reference – refer to super super private blog for what happen after visit Esther’s house, before I wnet home).

I think my dinner at home was even more sinful than steamboat – Chicken Rice! Cousin’s gifted problem Maths homework was more like a puzzle than maths to me me. I could only solve one out of the two. Anyway, her parents were Uni grads, if they can’t solve, I shouldn’t feel guilty for not manage to solve both questions.

( This is for my own reference too – refer to super super private blog for what happen at nite)

1-3 Feb

I was away from work. Not tat I had 3 free off days, but I had to attend a 2.5 day course.

Saw Yoyo’s test on Friday afternoon. And he wrote my surname as “li” instead. 太习惯称我为“李太太”了吧!

Shall stop here. Shall report on what happened on 4-5 in the next entry.

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