Sunday, October 19, 2003
A calories-burning Sunday
Had a very tiring day. For the whole afternoon, after I came back from Hip Hop lessons (which already left me half exhausted), I was doing a “mini spring cleaning” and “bookself make-over” (cos I had bought new magazine folders from IKEA and nice paper to line the shelf). Had made a tough decision to throw out the encyclopedias from my bookshelf to make way for my Home & Décor magazine. Ever since I had connection to the internet, I don’t make use of the encyclopedias to search for information anymore. These encyclopedias were given my dad’s friend who migrated to Canada years ago. They must be quite expensive, but too bad the information were outdated by now.
As I pulled out my primary and sec. school annual booklets and newsletters, my brain was flooded with memories. Also, I found a 1996 Guinness Book of Records with pressed flowers (given by my ex-bf) in between the pages. If not for this “spring cleaning”, I wouldn’t have remembered I still have these things. No wonder my mum always nag that I keep “rubbish” as there are a lot of things that were left there to collect dust (not to mention they took away my storage space).
But you know lah ( I think I express it better in Chinese), 像我这种重感情的人, 往往都舍不的丢掉它们......(xiang4 wo3 zhe4 zhong3 zhong4 gan3 qing2 de ren2, wang3 wang3 dou1 she3 bu4 de2 diu1 diao4 ta1 men2……)
就算是它们让我回忆起伤心的往事, 就算是它们勾起的回忆都是模模糊糊的, 像几块小拼块, 我都舍不得扔掉它们. (Jiu4 suan4 shi4 ta1 men2 rang4 wo3 hui2 yi4 qi3 shang1 xin1 de3 wang3 shi4, jiu4 suan4 shi4 ta1 men2 gou1 qi3 de hui2 yi4 dou2 shi4 mo2 mo2 hu2 hu2 de, xiang4 ji2 kuai4 xiao3 ping1 kuai4, wo3 dou1 she3 bu4 de2 reng1 diao3 ta1 men2.)
现实也是如此, 很多人往往不能对一些事物,甚至一些人放手, 只因为一个"舍不得"......(Xian4 shi2 ye3 shi4 ru2 ci3, hen3 duo1 ren2 wang3 wang3 bu4 neng2 dui4 yi4 xie1 shi4wu4, shen4zhi4 yi1 xie1 ren2 fang4 shou3, zhi3 yin1wei4 yi1 ge “she3 bu4 de2”…..)
Talk abt my hip hop lessons instead. Woah, it was rather tough. The class was bigger than we expected., around 30 ppl in it. As one of the student who started lessons last week had told us, it was quite tough, the dance instructor teaches the steps quite fast. Guess he cannot spend time for short individual coaching due to the class size and time limit.
First, was some warm up and stretching exercises. I am not that flexible, so was struggling a bit.
I could follow when the instructor first showed us the legs movement, but once he add in the arms movement together with the leg movement, I “ga-blah”, got confused liao. My friend was also having the same problem, so I guess it’s not that bad. But we really sweat a lot at the end of the lessons.
Seems like she’s not very sure whether to continue the lesson next week, she and another newcomer were thinking “maybe give him another chance next week”.
So, if she don’t go, I’m also not going. Too awkward to be there struggling with the dance steps by yourself. See how lor. Will update again.