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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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May The Floss Be with You
On Becoming "Mrs Lee"
Vexed & Charisma
Somehow a series....part 1
Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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@ OfftheWall

Thursday, February 05, 2004

quick run-through over events in past few days

Ok, here's a quick run-through

2 Feb (Mon)
Tried out the new Singing World KTV in Bishan. Its interior decor is similar to the Party World KTV at Hello Orchard, after all they belong to same management.
As it is a new place, the sound system rather good. Seems like the rate also cheaper than the Sing Together KTV at Bishan CC nearby. Wonder why the difference in rates even though they were handled by same management.
Looks like we will be going more often to Singing World in future :)

3 Feb (Tue)
Woke up with a strange feeling, then realised that I had dreamt of him again. Strange, I wasn't thinking of him that day, yet he appeared in my dream. The last time I dreamt abt him was that I received an SMS from him , saying " I am married". That's an absurd dream to me, cos I know he 's not the type who will sms to his friends telling abt his personal life out of the blue. He is wanting to let the whole world know, he should be smsing " i am getting married" before his wedding day. Besides, he is not the type who will sms to his ex to boast abt his 'achievement'.

Anyway, the dream was strange, strange in a way that 50% of it are true in reality.
I dream of me standing at the bustop of Ngee Ann Poly and saw him walking past me, up to camp (weird that i know he's going back to camp in the dream). I wanted to called him, but didn't, cos he seems to carry this "aura of loneliness" .


In reality, i was a student of Ngee Ann Poly, and there's an army camp nearby, but he wasn't from that camp.....
However, if I am not wrong, last year, he mentioned he will be going for reservist in Jan 2004, but that's in overseas. (Hmm why it became "distorted")

If only I can interpret dreams.......

4 Feb (Wed)
I almost lost my temper when this mad old auntie walk past me and scolded me "stupid" on the bus, all because I was the first person in the queue for the bus but board the bus a few seconds later as I was waiting for the queue beside to clear first.

Auntie arh, so many seats of the bus, u scared u no seats meh. I already so tired after work yet kenna scold by u. U have the right to scold me meh, after all u also never tell me to move up. Besides the bus captain also never sound his horn to prompt me to board the bus.

Contemplated walking up to her and pretending to "accidentally" hit her when I am alighting. But nah, I 'm not wicked lah.
I'm not that innocent. When the thought of the Million-dollar jackpot TOTO on the coming Thur came into my mind, I was then like cursing her in silence that she'll never strike any 4D or Lottery in the rest of her life.


Reached home, decided to "化生气为力量" --used all the energy i had to practise Heelys.
Made a slight improvement. Can glide for more than 2 secs each time, still got a far way to go. Must work hard.

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