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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Wednesday, October 13, 2004


Tue 12 Wed,
Missed the last episode of Eternal Happiness, cos last minute (at 6.15pm) have a free ticket to watch <<2046>> preview at 7pm. Thanks to the Maxim writer who can get 2 pairs of tickets by just going to a LG preview Launch.
Went to watch this much-hyped movie with great anticipation, especially when the New Paper's review gave it a 4.5 stars (out of 5), but at the end of the story, my colleague and I find it quite boring at the end.

Not that we dun understand, in fact it wasn't as "cheemed" as "Matrix", but too much scenes of the movie characters slowly smoking (& seeing puffs smoke slowing rise up in the air) is a bit torturous. Understand that all these are "artistic scenes", but too many repeats of such scenes (Tony Leung peering through window gaps, the tears slowly dripped down the faces of female leads) sort of make you feel impatient.

Perhaps, it is partly due to the environment that I can't be captured by this movie. I dunno why there are 8 "kids", ard 14 years old sitting beside us (how do they manage to such preview tickets), and every time there were these "subtle sex scenes" between Tony Leung & Zhang Ziyi, and countless kissing scenes (Tony Leung & Zhang Ziyu, Gongli; Faye & Takuya), they will get fidgety, groaned in disgust. Unlike the reviewers' comments abt the film being merismising/appealing and dares you to forgive Tony Leung’s character, we can't empathise with "him". Tony Leung as a Cassanova isn’t as cool as he was in Infernal affairs.
Like what my colleague mentioned: " what the moral of this story? Don't get involve with too many woman???"

Not even scenes are repeated, the lines were also repeated quite a number of times. Go and count how many times, how many characters mentioning abt " dig a hole, whisper the secret & buried it"

One thing we all notice, Tony Leung, Carina Lau, Faye Wong, Gongli and Maggie Cheung looked very old in this movie. In some scenes, the costume that Faye Wong wore really make her looked so frail, anorexic (her whole collarbone jutting out). As for Zhang Ziyi, lucky for her age, didn't look too old, but you can see her pimples on her face (What happened to the make-u artist huh?). Perhaps they hired the "wrong type" of make-up artistes, for they did a good job on the make-up for Carina and Faye as androids in the 32046 scenes). Pay attention to their white plasticky looks if you are catching this movie.

Ok there are surprises as well. Knew that Takuya Kimura starring in this Film as Faye Wong's bf, but didn't know he will speak in Japanese. And they mentioned abt Singapore a couple of times-- Tony Leung met GongLi in Singapore, Zhang Ziyi supposedly to go to Singapore and going in the end, and Tony Leung telling Zhang Yi abt Malays in Singapore wearing skirts (sarong) daily. Hmmm, come to think of it now, could the director Wong Kar Wai actually meant the longer Indian sarong (skirts) worn by Indians instead?

One thing to note, i dunno if you have the same experience. my colleague s and I were sort of misled by the reviews and reports before watching the movie. we all thought that it will be Tony Leung writing abt the future '2046", and expect the movie to portray futuristic living scenes after seeing scenes of Takuya and Faye (as android) in a futuristic setting from the trailers. But No, all abt future 2046 were just Takuya taking a train ride to and back from 2046. Just the train settings......

Summary, worth watching due to the stellar cast, but watch on a weekday (not worth to spend $8.50 on a weekend ticket).

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