Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Say Hi to me
Okay this may sound a bit harsh.
To those who's reading this blog, could you please introduce yourself by dropping a note in the comments box?
My blog posting are true reflections of my thoughts. I don't pretend to be Miss Goody-Two-shoes or having a perfect life here. For more personal stuff, I'll keep them bottled up. Hence I don't mind strangers reading this blog, but if you happen to be someone i know, and i never inform you abt my blog (or I denied having one), chances are:
1) I don't have the chance to let you know abt yr blog , OR
2 ) I don't even want you reading it.
For those who falls into the
latter (2), you know you are not welcome here.
Even if I see you often, yet I don't wish to even let you know simple things like where I go out to eat. I'd rather let strangers read it than you reading it. Get it?
For my friends, I may be starting another blog for personal stuff (that means having 2 blogs). Will keep you update.