Monday, February 14, 2005
!4 Feb 2005
Haha, This is gonna be a funny piece
In celebration of V-Day, I decided to "bring" "2 guys" to my workplace to accompany me. So here they are:
Jay Chouand
Jacky CheungHaha, actually just that I gotten these two posters and no point keeping them at home where I cannot display, so bring them to office to liven up our department. Sorta work actually, for another colleague start refering them as my two "guardian angels" watching over me when I am at work.
Remember the colleague I mentioned abt who is around the same age as me. She is so sweet, she bought us chocolates and only gave them to us (except the one who gave us a few trouble) after lunch, to avoid us going to get someback back for her in return. But nobody bear to eat them, all 3 of us hanged the sachets on our cubicle wall instead. Hmm wonder how the colleague who din get any chocolate will react when she return from work tomorrow...
The chocolatesOh yah, before i forgot, This was what Sips had passed to me last Friday.
The Muji PenThanks a lot gal.