Wednesday, March 02, 2005
Status of “secret project”: didn’t manage to do anything last nite as I seemed to have caught the flu bug. So what I manage to do was downloading the pics from my digicam. Grrhhhr pics were like “shit”. Not that the people are like shit. It’s my fault. Shouldn’t have taken caffeine that day as it will make my hands tremble a little. But given the lack of sleep, I really need the caffeine boost. To make things worse, I was suddenly feeling very "drained out" at that time, so really no energy to stablise hand. Had not only wasted my time and wasted people’s time too. Sian………. See how I can salvage those pics…. :(
Feeling sian now, having a heavy head & cough. Grrh, how enjoy concert tomorrow?
Anyway, my colleague and I were being “bad influence” again. We showed an auntie colleague how to use web version of msn messenger and taught her to use it, so we can chat secretly at work. Hahahaha.