Saturday, August 20, 2005
14 Aug 05 Part 3
Part 3.
After my horrendous performance, it's time for Zhongwei's (my so-call "小弟") performance. He was orignally scheduled to performce after Yiwei but as a doc, he has a busy schedule and had rushed down to attend my gthering as soon as he knock off from work. Thanks arh 小弟, 那么给大姐面子. 怪不得有人说,要看到你, 就得出席我的生日聚会了. Last year, Zhongwei left quite an impression on my friends with his "Jeff Chang sound-alike" singing. So this year, I specially requested him to perform a 张信哲 song again. He did well despite being unprepared. (I only have the chance to pass him the lyrics just minutes before his performance).

During the chorus, he kept turning his head to look at Ah Du, making us laughing at such comical actions. Realised that he is quite sensitive, and he was right in saying that Ah Du's key was incorrect. But no one is at fault as they never had a chance rehearse together and Ah Du was already doing me a favour by playing for him.
Ok, as mentioned in the previous post, the Monsters continued with their performance after this short "break". It was also at that time I realised that all my food were gone. Gosh, iI tot I had cater enought. I actually ordered 55 tarts when there are less than 40 guests. My friends even told me that I can actually save on the food when I told them I also had arranged for koniyaku jelly, sandwiches & potato salad. I certainly didn't expect them to be sooooo hungry as the party was held after lunch hours. Kekek must be the food is too delicious.
Cake cutting segment was scheduled after their performace, at least I can pacify those hungry monsters by telling them more food coming on the way, haha.
keke, think Welly and I shocked everyone by bringing out a big box. Yah that cake from Coffee Bean is 3 kg. Jianhua commented from the stage " 为什么生日蛋糕是 Birthday girl自己拿出来的?".
哈哈! 不止lor。生日蛋糕还是我自己买,自己选的。I'd took a risk this year by ordering cake from
Coffee Bean instead from my usual source, Prima Deli, as I fell in love with this "gift wrapped" cake when I saw it on Coffee Bean's catalogue. The original cake was in
blue and
I had written in to the customer service department, enquiring the possibility of changing the colour from
blue to
purple ( to match my theme). And they gladly did so at no extra cost! Yeah~
Here is the pic of the cake. Very "me" hor? =P

Think I had made the correct choice as I saw ppl start taking pic of the cake with their cameras and phones. Not forgetting that the cake was covered with icing, not cream. so they dun have a chance of slamming me onto the cake to get me "creamed". Hahaha.
My idea was to get everyone to gather for group photo, then get back to their seats before the candles were lit. But they gathered and sang birthday song instead!. hahah.
At that point of time, Peter ( ex colleague from SPH Mag), came in with a bouquet of flowers which my SPH colleagues had asked him to buy. Can see Nicco and him hestitating whether to pass me the flowers then.
I received 3 bouquets of flowers (the other 2 were from Alicia and Welly) arranged on my main table. And coincidentally, all the bouquets were a combination of
baby breath,
Forget-me-not and
roses wrapped in
purple paper. Keke guess Forget-me-not are the only alternative (purple flowers) florists have since I am allergic to Lavender.
We did managed to squeeze around the stage are to take a group pic. 37 in all, excluding Cynthia and Haoting who had to leave early.

Now looking at this pic, I realised my main table is so "purplish"

I didn't make any wish that day, as to me it wasn't my birthday so no point in making wish.
说到许愿。 想想看,如果你得到一样东西或者一段感情, 是靠你许的愿, 而不是靠你的努力所换来的, 那会有意义吗?
But on my actual birthday, I did wish for something for my friends. It seems that so many of them are going through a difficult period now, and I really hope that they can overcome all these difficulties or misfortunes.
Get back to the topic. I had included a Mini Prize Presentation ceremony to thank everyone who helped out in the event. Ah Du and Jianhua got "trophies" instead as I think they have enough of my handmade magnets and purple stuffs. My helpers received Big Jellies with magnets or sweets.
Looking at the pictures taken during Prize presentation, the whole segment seems very formal.

Me with Siping.

With my gor. Woah, '"formal handshake" somemore!
At last when Nicco came on stage, she gave a "小鸟依人“ pose.

Chengyao did a 翻白眼 pose when collecting his prize.

Oh yah, Chengyao also won the "Best Dressed" Award.

Little trivia: Actually he isn't the 1st choice. Hahaha. We thought of giving to Wynlyn, come came in a violet top with a purple brooch, and matching purple floral print shirt. Hai, too bad she had to rushed off as her "carriage" is waiting for her. So the panel of judges (guess who?) decided to present the award to
Chengyao for his creativity (think of "the Mole"). Anyway , the prize is just a purple furry crown. But it was definately interesting to get a guy to wear one. Heng that crown fits!
I had also prepared guest favours for every guests, so that they have
"a piece of purple" to bring home. Hahaha.

There are two versions, one contains Grape Jelly and Dark Chocolate Hersheys ( in dark purple foil) while another is a combination of Hershey and Grape Marshmallow.
Thanks to Welly who helped in the wrapping.
The party ends before the scheduled time , but by the time we cleared the stuff it was already 6pm.
Hmm shall post pics of my presents and provide you some trivia in Part 4. (the finale!)