Thursday, October 13, 2005
Sugar posts

Woof! Woof! Harlow, I am
Sugar. As Harmonie
Jie Jie is rather busy these few days , so here I am posting on her behalf.
See, I am a "branded dog", wearing Burberrys , and she din even get to own a piece. haha.
Anyway dunno what Harmonie
Jie Jie has been busy with, her schedule is full of activities from Wed to next Monday. Guess what? She had 10 friends whose birthdays fall on Oct. Didn't know she has so many Librians friends.
According to her friends, they were inspired to hold birthday parties after attending her birthday gathering. She will be attending one birthday party called
"Code 2730" this weekend. Dunno if she's going to blog abt it , perhaps she will report abt her activities on her other private blog. Woof!
Speaking of blog, Harmonie
Jie Jie has a friend by the name of Flutterby who helped her to "touched-up" this blog. As you can see, the pink background of "ribbon flowers" pics besides the main heading had been removed. Looks neater right?
Anyway Harmonie
Jie Jie was very upset and pissed off by some brat who purposely use her laptop in the bedroom while others need to sleep and claimed that her typing is silent and a $ sucker who spoilts the brat.
So Harmonie
Jie Jie went to indulge herself a little. She bought a new handphone pouch as her purple pouch given by "Ah Shui" had become dirty and the flower & lace appliqué had came off.
So this is what she bought.
Ribbons and pearls again! Can someone tell her not to get too "over" with her
"It's so S." style?
I'm off to chew my bone now, bye!