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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Out of Bound
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May The Floss Be with You
On Becoming "Mrs Lee"
Vexed & Charisma
Somehow a series....part 1
Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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@ OfftheWall

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

The week 11-18 June 2006. ( New Album, New M&Ms, New toys , but not new house)

Home environment was rather peaceful during the week. Cos Parents and bro weren't ard. I can cook what I want, do what I want (caught a few episodes of 大长今) and sleep peacefully without being awaken by someone's shouting.

Gonna be a long post with lots of pic.

But the 1st thing I wanna talk abt is this:

16 June 2006 (Friday).

After a long wait (1.5yrs), Li Sheng Jie's new album is finally out. 《关于你的歌》 其实是他的第四张专辑。

Hence you can't blame me for taking such pics.

The centre pic is being touched-up by gor. *thanks arh*. Eye bags and dark eye rings removed liao.

Must buy original CD cos

1) only the Singapore original CD includes a K-box voucher
2) only the Singapore original CD includes 2 bonus MTV
3) only the Singapore original CD allows you entry to his upcoming event at Babyface

I like the design of the box!

Like this page (had changed the pic to sepia mode)

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Seriously speaking, 《眼底星空》and 《很想说》aren’t easy to sing. Need lots of 技巧,lots of 转音to tackle. Makes it more difficult for gals to sing too. If I have to up the key (cos the verses part are too low for my range), I will die at the chorus 飚高音part. *sweat*. Think I will not only torture myself but also torture my friends at the next KTV session. Hahaha.


Bought these two newly packaged M&Ms during the week. Last year, they introduced the Star Wars M&Ms. This year, they tied up with Pirates of the Caribbean.

This is the Shipwreck Treasures M&Ms which comes in sea-green or brown plastic tubes.

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I specifically pick out a few sea-green chocolates, put it in my mouth, slowly suck on it, and checked if they really do turn into gold color as what was stated on the packaging. They turned into yellow, not gold!

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These are Pirate Pearls M&Ms. Oh, how I love the pastel colours, especially the Tiffany-blue ones. Tiffany-blue as in the same blue colour on the Tiffany boxes and paper bags.
Somehow I find these white chocolates having the same taste as the Chunky white Kit-Kat . :P

Bitch and Voodoo Dolls.

Yes, something happened in office on Thurs which made me really feel like scolding her Bitch right in front of her face. I seldom use that word seriously. When I really refer to one as Bitch, she is really one. (that was what my friends said). It was a case of back-stabbing which I never expected, cos we are in the same department and used to check with our supervisor directly should we have any probs which we can’t resolve at our level. Perhaps it was why I did not guard against her and let her have the chance to stab me, defendless.
It was a case of back stabbing, word-twisting… which I dun wanna describe them here.

It really make me wonder, 为什么有些女人那么狠毒(虽然自己也是女人)。即使你根本不在意权利,荣誉,只想安分守己地把工作做好,但为什么有人偏偏就是要跟你斗。

Another colleague was telling me that I should be so naïve not to let my defenses down against her just because we are in the same department and had never involved in any arguments before. Yah, how could I forget the fact that we have the same supervisor, she must have been wanting to get into his good books and she did so by putting me in bad light.

So sick of office politics!

So the next day, I decided to put up the voodoo doll given to me by another colleague who had came back from her Taiwan trip.

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I was joking to her , while fiddling with the sword, chanting “Kill the bitch! Kill the bitch!”.
Amused, she replied :“ 你谢搞怪!”

Think I shall name the doll 贱(剑)克to 克走贱人。 Haha.

Then on Sunday, while walking past Mini Toons, them selling different types of voodoo dolls. Hence I got another doll called Master Wong for fun.

See description below:

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Know u know why I chose to buy that?

Last note.
For those who might have heard the “wind”of it, pls dun get any wrong ideas if I did not invite you to my house on Sunday. There are lots of factors to consider: availability of space (especially when I need to show them my scrapbooking materials) and avoiding any awkward situations btw ppl.

To those who came, thanks for the food ya. Some had spent so much trouble preparing them. :)
How I wish I have my own house then I can organize more of such pot-luck dinner sessions. :P

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