Friday, July 14, 2006
thoughts of the day
For those who are wondering if the “Annual Aug Gathering” is still on, yes it is. Compared to previous years, I admit that the preparations for this year are late. Usually by now, I had sent out the invitations (or could have compiled the attendance list).
Last year’s gathering was a huge event, as I had stated, I have the intention of making it a grand event, just for ONCE. Lots of efforts were put in, not only from me, but from my friends too. So don’t expect something of that scale every year. Besides, I dun wanna people to get mistaken, especially someone (who is supposed to be a friend) have been spreading nasty comments abt it….
However, it was also through last year’s event, I realised how blessed I am to have such good friends. Especially those who volunteered to help out, and those who put in more effort than what I had asked from them.
This year, I am taking a step back; firstly I really do not have enough time and energy to come up with the games, performance items, etc. Secondly, I am not in a celebrating mood (hopefully, it’s only for now). However, I had decided on the theme – really easy one, and the venue (really convenient!). So watch out for my email. Need to apologize to someone though (you know who you are), sorry to trouble you months ago but did not choose that venue in the end. I will “KIV” it for next year ba.
Regarding my July Wish list, I decided to strike off one item --“dress” from the list. “Shoes” are still on “pending” mode. I had already bought a bag for office use and a pair of tailored shorts (not that short, for the pair that best fits me was way over my knees).
Saw my friend’s wish list and found that we have some common wishes. Perhaps those are common wish among gals. U know it: less pounds of one's weight.
Quote a slimming centre ad: “有些东西,永远都要轻”。
Why is it that some people like to spite their friends/relatives for no reason, or perhaps just to have a great laugh after demeaning them? I don’t mean those “suan~ing jokes” that friends make during conversation, but those who start making nasty comments out of no reason. Examples are as below:
Case 1: You happened to wear a new shirt to meet yr friends. Then when Friend A saw you, took notice of yr new shirt and greeted you with “Such a fuggy shirt!” Then it makes you wonder if you have such bad fashion sense, until other friends all gave positive comments on yr shirt. But then, the “damage” was already done, for you react awkwardly to their comments.
Case 2: While sharing abt the good food you had tasted the prev week, and feeling a bit guilty conscious with yr indulgence, Friend B spurted : “吃吃吃,肥死你。”
Had came across magazines articles regarding “toxic friends” who behave in such similar ways as above. Now come to think of it, I find something strange if you use that term to classify such person. Friends aren’t supposed to be “toxic”, they are supposed to be encouraging when you are down. These spiteful friends perhaps don’t even see you as a friend at all. Maybe they are “friends” with you simply because they enjoy seeing you feeling inferior….
Do you have such “toxic friends”? If so, why are you still befriending them?
This, I also dun understand, cos I am asking myself the same question too....
On a lighter note, I had set a challenge for myself. That is: to learn a new Hokkien Song. “Someone” had mentioned that to learn R&B, you can try learning thru Hokkien Songs, as hokkien songs got lots of “arh~”.
It may sounds absurd, but think of “望春风",it can be classify as R&B right. Hahaha.
Excuse my randomness (for this post), just that there have been quite a lot of thoughts on my mind.
And “Ah Shui”, if you are reading this, Happy Birthday to You. I will be sourcing for a cow for you as promised.