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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Monday, July 24, 2006

ZPop 2006 (updated but pics pending)

Attended Zpop @ Indoor Stadium last fri. It was a last minute decision. Haha, many thanks to Qium, who offered me her free tickets which is worth $128 each. Had a difficult time contact ppl wwho might want to have the extra ticket. Ah too bad.

So ended up Qium forgoing her seat at TXY ‘s rows and seat with me. Well, our view if definitely better cos our seats are nearer to the stage.

Here’s a review, erm, or rather my comments for the concert. (sorry , might have to wait a few more days for me to update it with pics)

Fish Leong , 梁静茹:
She started the concert with a rock song “燕尾蝶”。感觉还不错的。可惜没有伴舞。 Read from reports that the finalists of the Superbands were originally scheduled to start off the concert, 可是出了些状况,所以就由Fish打头阵。因此她选了首很Rock的“燕尾蝶”开场。
Fish had a gentle way of asking the audience to participate. Upon seeing that not many people were holding lightsticks (I wonder why this year Zpop dun give out free lightsticks), she coaxed them into flashing their hp, joking that nowdays everyone have a hp and most are fully charged. And voila! the whole indoor stadium was filled with “fireflies”.

What really surprised me was that her lung power seemed to have increased. (pardon me, I might not know the correct technical descriptions). Though I am not a fan of Jolin nor Fish, I gathered that most people who attended the concert will anticipate Jolin’s performance to be the best. But Fish’s singing proved us wrong. 以前总觉得梁静茹有时飙高音时感觉很”紧”, 但她在这场演唱会时却没给我们这种感觉。而且唱《勇气》时,还把尾音拉得长长的。顿时,我和qium都冒出了一句:“哇!她进步了很多!”


Jeff Chang, 张信哲:


就像人们所说的:“期望越高,失望越重。” Whatever happened to the crystal-clear voiced 情歌王子?唱“太想爱你”时竟然唱到破音。 Not once, but a few times. I even double checked with Qium cos I tot my ears were “bluffing” me.

他接着唱的棘手的,都显得很吃力。我们都可以清楚地从荧光屏上看到他唱高音时,整个人在颤抖。 Owwwww.

However there was a “surprise element” in his segment, for he performed a remixed version of 《过火》--- 很有西班牙舞曲风味.

Harlem Yu, 庾澄庆:

本以为他会以“熏烟妆”露面,只见他一身火红(红色sleeveless long vest)。 一出场就喝张信哲合唱《爱转动》。难得有机会听到他们一起合唱。当然他也唱了他的新歌《戒不掉》。自钱没仔细听过那首歌,可是感觉他现场演唱时,好像可以把复歌的key调高了。



I have to say, I dun admire her, but was rather anticipate watching her dance to her tune of 《舞娘》。I bet many were left disappointed…

以一首《完美》做开场,却又对嘴。How ironic. 这么称得上是完美呢。一边跳舞,一边“唱歌”,却没听到呼吸声,未免太明显了吧。

舞跳玩了,跟观众嗲了几句后,喝了一口水(奇怪,之前的歌手都不需要喝水的),就唱了手”马德里不思议”. 哎呀,怎么这回只要走动,不需伴舞,却听到他的呼吸声呢?

不要说我对她苛刻哦。当她唱“假装”时,坐在我们背后的观众冒出了一句:“Off Key!”.

As I said, the greatest disappointment was that she did not perform the 浪波舞,和彩带舞 when she sang 舞娘。
My digicam memory card was full, din manage to record the whole segment, but found this clip on You tube:

Jolin’s Wu Niang at Zpop, video posted by “tst79”

As you can see, it’s a cut short version…..

Compared to Fish, Jolin doesn't seems like interacting with the audience, she was like asking the audience to acknowledge her presence. eg asking the audience "我是谁呀?”。 很“公主”。

(for those who are interested, someone had post a video of Jolin's princessy way of talking on YouTube, and the caption was "does she always talk in that way?". So it isn't only me who feels this way ...)


虽然 Jolin 被称是"DancingDiva", 可是当晚的Diva应该是梁静茹。因为她是四位表演者当中,为一换上两套衣服的艺人。

On another note, Qium and I were seated two blocks away from where the TXYs were seating. These TXys are the only ones who were so "high" throughout the concert -- standing up and cheering for every singers. Even Fish acknowledged their cheers. Perhaps TXY can consider forming a "Super Fans" Club, and every concert organisers can give them free tickets to cheer for the artists at their concerts. Hahahaha

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