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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
Email: []
Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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First Post
A Calories-burning Sunday
My Grandfather
2004, 2005
Farewell Dinner
Out of Bound
Random Thoughts
May The Floss Be with You
On Becoming "Mrs Lee"
Vexed & Charisma
Somehow a series....part 1
Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Thursday, August 31, 2006

Interviewing Li Sheng Jie for My Paper

Though I was informed abt that my article will be out on yesterday ‘s(30 Aug) copy of My Paper 《我报》, but I didn’t expect it to be on the back page. It was really uncomfortable seeing my own pic right in my face when people held up their papers.

Ok so now back track what happened on 16 Aug 2006.

Thanks to My Paper 《我报》, I have a chance to interview 李圣杰。

I couldn’t help being nervous. Cos firstly, I had not be conducting interview for about 4 years.(最后一次以学生通讯员身份访问好像是在我21岁那年。)Even though I was told I need not write the report (all I had to do was to do research , prepared 10 questions and asked them at the interview), I still worry abt my 临场表现 ;wondering if I am able to came up with sub-questions on the spot after he had given his answers.

Secondly, I had never interviewed a celebrity before (Yah nowadays, the new batch of TXY can get to interview artistes.),. And what make it “worse” is that I am going to interview my fav singer on the eve of my birthday. Unbelievable! A birthday present huh?

I am still rational ok. At times, I worried whether if it is a good thing to get up close to a celebrity. What if he turned out to be a nasty person in real life. ?

我的顾虑是多余的。Because he ‘s really very very nice.

Ok , I’ll get into the details.

Meet up with the “real reporter” in the hotel lobby (yah all interviews were conducted in his suite, I think). Was told that the photographer was caught up with another assignment and trying to rush down. Ahhh, I was praying hard that there wouldn’t be any problems.
I wouldn’t want to be caught in the same situation as Big Cow when he interviewed 周华健。

A promotional executive came to pick us up from the lobby and led us to 17th floor.
Think the room was 1729. Saw that Shengjie was still in the midst of his other interview.

My interview session was supposed to start at 4pm and had to be done by 4.30pm. But at 4.15pm, Shengjie was still being interviewed.

The photographer came just in time (and it turned out to be zhiyang from SYD) . Phew!

Meanwhile, while the “real reporter”, Mervin went down with the promo exec to fetch the photographer, the 宣传told me to do a quick interview as they need to be leaving for NTU at 4.45pm. Arhh, I thought of Big Cow’s 状况again.

Meanwhile, I just gazed around. Shengjie seemed to be in a good mood. When he was asked to posed with his tennis racquet as if it was a guitar, he not only did so and sang a few lines.
Woah free concert for me siah!

难得看到一个艺人接受访问时那么relaxed 。

Yah, 他是轻松的,我是紧张的。(我知道这里语法不对)

While Shengjie excused himself for a while before our interview, we were setting up the area. I was stunned when they made me sat on the same couch with me, not at the chair opposite him where the previous reporter was sitting. It made me more nervous. I was like asking Mervin whether my volume is audible to be recorded in his MP3 player and they all said “不要紧张。”

I can’t helped it mah. And I also dunno why for my interview, all the滚石宣传,“老板”和经理人都站一旁看着。圣杰在进行上一段访问时,他们都不理,还各自聊天。 怎么我有那么特别的待遇呢?

Anyway, Shengjie stepped into the area within seconds we saw him reappeared at the connecting door. 脚长的人 走得特别快!哈哈。

Sam was really friendly and nice. It’s not that I am bias towards him. He is the best “interviewer” I had ever encountered . He gave direct eye contact, listens attentively to the question asked (I kind of pity him, cos due to my nervousness, I was almost “firing” my 1st few questions) .

I myself know that some of my questions were those with “ 爆点” and was prepared to face with short answered from him. But my worries were unfound, for he seems to be enjoying the process.

Cant’t forget the look on his face when he said “你们上那里查的?查得那么仔细?”
(I was asking abt his fear of ghost and heights and he was laughing out loud, hands slapping on his thighs).

我得做功课的啊。” 我回复。


And then he continued telling anecdotes of his childhood, (rather animated, hahaha), such a pity that most of them were unmentioned in the report.

He definitely helped to make the report interesting with his answers. 如果说我的问题很精彩,那也得靠受访者的配合呀。

These are the questions I had asked:
1) 对于你所创作的《很想说》,报章都大幅度报道那时你为前女友所写的歌。这 难免会令人联想起你的成名曲《痴心绝对》。而且,《很想说》的歌词里也有提到“痴心绝对”这四个字。请问你是不是想树立个“痴心男子”的形象。

2) 在《关于你的歌》专辑里,你不只为6首歌作曲,4首歌作词,还尝试幕后工作,担任7首歌的制作。然而,你在这专辑里的造型亮丽许多。究竟你是希望成为偶像派歌手,还是实力派歌手?

3) 很多人都反应:你的新歌虽然很“K”, 但不容易唱。尤其是那首《眼底星空》,真是考转音与换气技巧。有人甚至埋怨:“他在录歌时有没有考虑到我们这些平凡人是唱不上去的。” 请问你对这有什么看法。

4) 对你来说,这张专辑里所收录的歌曲当中,哪一首最具有挑战性?而哪一首花了最长时间录制?

5) 《痴心绝对》和《关于你的歌》这两张专辑中分别有和萧煌奇及林隆璇两位男艺人的合唱。请问如果有机会,你最想和哪一位女歌手合作?为什么?

6) 出道以来,你好象没传出什么绯闻。就连那个关于你和张玉华的绯闻也因你所创作的《很想说》而不攻自破。如果非要你制造写新闻不可,你会爆些什么料。

7) 从网络上的报道得知你怕高也怕鬼。真难想像高大英挺的你居然有惧高症,而还那么胆小。是不是经历过灵异事件所以特别怕鬼呢?

8) 请问你是否考虑进军演艺界?如果有导演想开拍一部与网球有关的偶像剧,你会去试镜吗?

9) 许多艺人都有自己的部落格, 你也不例外。听说你的部落格是公司替你设立的。(网址:。我注意到你部落格的第一篇有提到你是电脑原始人,而你也开始学习打字。请问你的打字技术练得如何了?

10) 从新闻报道中得知你前阵子在台湾渔人码头办了场演唱会。当晚你不只唱了蔡依琳的《MrQ》,还破天荒地为这首歌排舞。是什么原因让你决定如此“豁出去”?可不可以在此秀出一小段舞步?

And this was the report after being edited & compiled by the reporter.

I couldn’t help comparing mines to Big Cow’s report on Emil Chow. Big Cow was telling me that only a few questions will be selected . But I counted and saw that one one question was omitted, which was regarding the most difficult song in his album. It seems like the editor had tried to retain as many “gossipy” questions as possible. Hahaha.

I kinda feel sorry abt the 标题。“李圣杰怕高怕鬼怕打字”。好像“害”了他。

Hai, actually have a lot more to type but do not have time. As you can see, I am doing my entry “bit by bit” and it’s 6 Sept today .

Still have lots more regarding my recent happenings to report on…

Nevertheless, I am really thankful for this experience. Can say it was a nice birthday present from heaven.

Thank you , My Paper, Mevin and Zhiyang for providing me with the pics ; recording
A big thank you to Giant & little grass for helping me to scan and send Giant’s grass report for my reference.

As for pics of us together, check out my friendster. I wanna keep it private and besides I looked rather tired.(ya, lack of sleep) ...

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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Super Star Round 2

Sorry friends, I know many of you are wating for the pics and updates, so here I go:

Pictures here are from Xinyao and Fannie.
Click on the pics for a bigger view ya.

In case you all forgot, Superstars Gathering was held on 12 Aug 2006, (sat) at Icon@ Bugis, lev 7 rooftop.

Despite the management puting up signs such as these:

people still took the lift to 7th floor. I felt intruded, cos the signs already stated it was a private function , and for invited guests only. There were more than 3 such signs put up in prominent places -- lift lobby, inside the lift and just at the entrance. Yet people still heck care and stepped in . Some were even worse--- despite kindly them them we were having private function, they still lingered around, saying they were taking a look. Hello, we are not animals exhibited at the zoo ok.

This was why i was upset when Xinyao realised that her wallet was missing & it couldn't be found that nite ... ( really relieved that after a week, she told me someone had found her wallet and sent it to the police station.)

Since the theme was "star" and every one must wear at least a star to the event. Fannie's bf Jeremy even went to buy stars at the last minute. Woah gimme face siah.

See pic below: (click on it for better view)

Naughty Guohao din wear any star, so kenna "star-struck" by my star wand. Now u know what was the purpose of that wand. Yaoxian's and Fannie's stars can be spotted immediately.

And to my surprise, Ah Du and Jianhua arrived on time! * Gasp*

But then I couldn't spot any stars on them.

Ah du pointed to the tiny weeny stars on his shirt while Jianhua took out his hp pouch....

"这样哪里可以。一定要戴着的。” I protested.

and u know what Jh did... he "wore" his hp pouch....

I think the caption for this should be :


Then Jiahao came and said he had 102 stars on him. On his Converse shoes were 2 American flags (50 stars on each flag) and 2 stars.

Bingrong, Siping and their gang came with a pack of 100 star stickers each. But seeing jiahao had the high record then, they decided to pook their resources and pasted 300 star stickers on Bingrong, hoping to win the ATTRACTIVE PRIZES (which was still a mystery then).

Glad that they followed the theme seriously .

Above are the views from the rooftop – yah , can see the DHL hot air balloon nearby. Really envy those who were in it while watching the fireworks at 9pm that day.
See the pic of the plastic tables decorated with stars-twine and the trashbags-lookalike beanbags? Flutterby helped me with the deco. And quite a number helped with the balloons décor.

As I said, it’s a simple gathering this year. So the decorations were done at the last minute ahaha, while waiting for the other guests and food to arrive.

I had prepared different coloured stars numbered with wither “1” or “2”, and went round asking people to pick one of their choice. Many were curious ant I simply said it was for a simple game and it affects their “dinner time”. And someone gave me a really suspicious look….


Actually, the 1st stage of the game is to get people to find people holding the same coloured stars as them. I know some of my friends "cheated" and exchanged stars among themselves... Simple ice-breaking game also paiseh to play har.....

Then , I 'd asked them to get into their the two groups according to the number written on the paper stars they were holding. Played SHE's Superstar and announced that "the group that is most 'high" gets to start dinner first". So that was why in my previous post, you see the video clip of Chengyao getting "high".

Meanwhile here are some photos taken before & after the buffet dinner. Try finding yr face. :)

More picture taken before the cake cutting session. (reminder: click on the pic for larger view)

Haha, gor got the courage to wear my furry shrug.

And what was BR, Gor and Jiahao doing behind our backs....

And what's with the “4大太太” pose.....

Who says the birthday gal wun get bullied.....

Think it was Mrs Jin-cheng who initiate the idea of "molesting" me. See her expression! Flutterby pulled of my ribbon and Mrs Wong touched my shoulder. Arghhh.

The juniors & gor made me lay on the bean bag with my leg raised up. Dunno why everyone wanna touch my head.

Maybe played too much liao, wasted lots of energy, and which was why I began to get really tried as the sky darkened.

Now, the group picture:

Think quite a few were missing.

That's the problem of holdng an event in an open space. Well, I already did my best to delay the cake cutting session with the most people presented as possible. Simply because the cake was contributed by my friends. Thanks to those who had contributed ya. And thanks to Fannie too, for taking care of that.

while making my wishes (haha I made 3 wishes, sorry arh, had lots of downs in the past year), wondered who was the person who shouted "李圣杰".

I can declared that none of the wishes I made were related to him. Yeah I am still sane ok, 不是花痴. And also, I had already gotten something.... (hahha, will update in my next post ba).

It's a blessing that Yaoxian & Bingrong had volunteered to come up with some games and hosted the game session, for I was feeling unwell after then. I guessed it is due to my anemic condition ba. So I took a rest while they carried on with their games. Chatted with "old txys" and woah, suprised to know that Xingfang was leaving Sg again for her PhD. Well, glad that I managed to catch up with her a little before she left Singapore for 5 years.

By looking at these pictures taken by Xinyao, I presumed the games involved blowing balloons...

Yah pretty obvious right. Think there were some biscuit eating games too.

Towards the end of the event, I gave out 'token" to my helpers.

Arhh, pity that the pic with xinyao did not turn out well.

And of course, i gave out the mysterious attractive prizes to the "starriest " person -- Bingrong.

The prizes were: A Pair of Magnets (hand made one hor).

Cos there is no way to define what's attractive as we all have different tastes. So I took the meaning literally. No one can argue that the magnets are not attractive lor. (they attracted to each other...)

Hahaha. Smart of me ya.

Ok dun wanna promised anything. If I have the time, I will update more on my pressies received.

Once again, a big "thank you" for those who came.

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I know this blog have been stagnant for a week. Had been busy lately. Lots of things to update too. Will try to update ASAP.

PS: I am suffering from "withdrawal symptoms" again.

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Superstar Event

12 Aug 2006

(din have much time now, to be updated. And i have not managed to meet up with Xinyao to collect the pics. So meanwhile, enjoy these pics taken with my Digicam or "koped" from Xinyao's blog and a video. Hopefully , I can update next week. Lots of things to report on .

Many thanks to
1)Bingrong and Yaoxian for hosting the games and sponsoring the props.
2)Xinyao, my dear photographer who remained so jovial despite missing yr wallet.
3) Yanfen &Jeremy and gor for providing free labour
4) Flutterby, for lending yr CD-player

The theme for this year.

Welly & I, before everyone arrives

Of cos we must sing the Theme Song -- Superstar by SHE.

What the hell was happenning?
Frankly speaking, I was "shocked" when I saw these pics posted by Xinyao.
I had no idea what was going on at "games station" when I was taking a break.

Lily bouquet!

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Thursday, August 10, 2006


I did not expect to write another post for today.

Just that I can't resisting posting abt it.

I just received a call .

I got it!!

I don't think it is because of my TXY background as I never mentioned it when submitting my application.

I just hope the "magic" is still with me.

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Huifen's & Jeffrey's Wedding (Part 1)

If I did not put this up, you guys will not be exclaiming “Woah so outdated!”.
Well, if I din post it, I know I will 对不起自己. Hahaha.
Of cos have to report on it, as it was my first experience of being a “姐妹”. (听说不能做超过3次哦。)

12 March 2006

After months of preparation, today is the big day for Huifen & Jeffrey! Huifen had been quite kan-cheong recently, which is unlike of her. Think she was even worried when I told her I will be away in Taipei just days before her wedding.

“你记得要回来leh.” She said.
Choi! Of cos I will come back, though how I wish I could stay in Taiwan for a few more days.

Ok back to the point. Heeding the advise from the fortune telling, the bride and bridegroom are to leave the bride’s house before 9am. I had woke up ard 6am just to reach her house at Bukit Merah at 7+am. Yawnzzz

依照传统习俗, we have to drink 糖水,吃汤圆。

Huifen parents kept urging us to eat more. There was a big cake from her 过大礼 too.

Oh forgot to mention that gathered at her house were 5 females and a male . Poor Kok Leung became our “姐妹” as he was closer to Huifen than to Jeffrey.

On the groom’s side, he also bring along 5 brothers and one female. So our side was “thorn among the roses” whereas theirs was “rose among the thorns”.

Huifen changed into her gown soon after we arrived, and then she helped to put on our corsages. (very furry!).

Midway, she was like deciding whether she should go to the washroom. With her big pong pong gown, she hestitated and then walk backed to her room, yet walked back to the wash room again, undecided. Wedding jitters, we assumed.

Oh, there were quite a few 状况in the morning. Somehow, one of the camera battery went flat. Another memory was insufficient. They din engaged a professional photographer in the morning – to cut down on cost. But fortunately, they some how managed to get a charger and keep uploading the pic into the laptop to solve the prob of insuffient memory.

(well, it’s difficult to write everything in sequence)

While waiting for the groom and his brothers to arrived, the chief Jie-mei start to brief us on the sabotage plans (ignore Kok-leong, as he was acting as a photographer , not jie-mei). Trust her friend to come up with such devious sabotage:

The main theme was “酸甜苦辣”.

: they brought out much-chee stuffed with wasabi. And we decided to squeeze more wasabi on top of them. 哇!!!!!
:they had prepared lemon puree and made them into shops of koniyaku jelly
: a glass苦瓜juice was brought out
: we had chocolate marshmallows . The plan was to put it as the last item so that the groom and his brothers will still be wary of such innocent things. *wink*

After much waiting, the groom and his brothers came. Nowadays the grooms always come at a later time so that they can avoid long sabotage and of cos the parents will rush them in order to avoid 错过吉时。

Huifen’s room was facing the corridor. And we caught her climbing over her mattress and peered at her husband through the windows. Aiyoh where got bride do such things one… And she jumped off from the mattress, denying her act. Hahah, so we send one of the jie mei to stay in her room to watch over her.

Well, we continue to haggle with the groom and his brothers. This is the only chance we get to torment policemen without risking going to jail. Haha cos Jeffrey and his brothers are all working for the Police Force.

The haggling sure took quite some time. First they borrowed a pen from us , then willing give us an angpowe when we request for $8888.

In the ang pow was just a tissue paper, written “$8888”.

One of the jie-meis shouted to the bride’s father:

“Uncle arh, 你的女儿只值一张tissue paper 啊!”.

Lots of haggling later, the guys took out 3 angpows, as us to choose one.

We opened one, and found only $20. ( If my memory din fail me)

And our jie-mei shouted to the bride’s father again:

“Uncle arh, 你的女儿只值二十块而已!”.

Then we haggled again. This time the groom asked us to pick one more angpow. We got her dad to choose.
In it, contained:

$128 in total.

Ok lah. We aren’t greedy. So we started our sabotage.See pics below:

Anyway we have to quickly proceed to our 2nd round of sabotage. The guys have to limbo rock their way into the living room. The groom even picked up the pet rabbit , hoping to use it as 挡箭牌。

Bleh!. There is one last round to go before we unlock the door to the bride’s room.

One of the jie mei had make some changes to the lyrics of Emil Chou’s “明天我要嫁给你啦” and turn it into “今天我要去你啦“。  

Jeffrey even protested at the changes, saying he ‘s being 嫁 to huifen.

See, they even type out the lyrics and provided HanYu Pin yin.

As for the singing… ahem, well , I better dun comment. Watch this short clip instead.

Here's a pic of the couple.

After that we set off in 3 different cars to the groom’s house. Earned another angpow :P. (Had already received one from the bride’s mum, another one from the bride , and not forgetting the ping angpow the jie-me’s gotta spilt among themselves).

While the bride and bridegroom proceeded to the groom’s godmother house. The bride decided to release us early so that we can go home to have a rest and to doll ourselves up.

(to be continued)

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Regarding this Sat...

Just 5 more days to the Superstar event this Sat. Yet the preparation works isn’t complete. I still don’t have any idea of the schedule of the events. (Unlikely of me, right?)

August is sure a hectic month. Free time in evenings/nights is definitely a luxury. My schedule is already packed for this week. (As written in the earlier post, I was out during the past weekend ,-- sourcing for stuff & then attended the Qiang Mai on Sat, and on Sun, had another round of discussion.)

Tonight – Farewell gathering for Songyu & Yiquan at Muchuan (and I’m supposed to go to grandma’s house this evening).
Tue - Visit grandma (maternal side) .after work. It’s her birthday.
Friday -- already blocked that evening to run any last minute errands.

So that leaves me with Wed and Thurs to complete my “mini projects”. And I don’t even have all the materials yet! Arghhhh!
Anyway one knows where to get small wooden stars!!

Supposed to pass Nana her “cow” but have not done so.
Supposed to meet up with Lilin (& others) for kopi and pass her the present but have not done so.
Still feeling guilty for having to postpone a KTV session ….

Ok , here’s a notice for those attending the “Superstar Event” this sat:

1) Please be punctual.
2) If you don’t wanna hear “眼底星空” or “Superstar” for the whole evening, please bring along yr fav CD. :P
3) Bring torchlight, if you have one. The place is rather dim at night.
4) For those who are still wondering what to get for me (ehh sorry for being so direct), just get me vouchers will do. I will be bringing my speakers along so I don’t really feel like carrying lots of packages home (learnt from last year experience).
5) Most important: Wear at least a STAR. I know this sentence sounds weird, but I don’t wanna to see anyone just producing a lucky star which he/she hides in the pockets. The star(s) must be visible. Ok? I hope to see everyone fighting to be the “starriest”. :P
6) Be good and listen to BR and Qium when they are conducting their “session” ok? I dunno what they have in mind, but I’d really thank them for volunteering to conduct that segment.

Well, that’s should be all.

I need a haircut! Not that I ‘m willing to cut my hair. Boh pian lah, the right side seems to be thinner than the left side.

I can already foresee I’ll be busy again next week. Well… at least I have a few days break after the 12th .


Have to tell myself that time will pass easily…我会熬过去的。

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clearing blog debts

Have not been blogging proper lately.

Here’s a quick report

24 Jul 2006,

It’s a last minute decision to celebrate Gor’s birthday. Hence only Jiahao & I are able to make it to Muchuan.
Well, what more can you expect. Arranged for the waitress to bring out the cake for him at 8.30pm. Also arranged for Monsters to sing him a birthday song and launched the “sabotage”. Gor was still recovering for a bad cough. Instead of having risk singing with his croaking voice, he chose not to sing at all. Lip Synched instead. It was quite hilarious.

These are the pics taken which include gor’s drawing of Monsters (hmm someone looked like a horse) and pics of Jiahao playing with hairband.

Well, I know this is not very important, but I could resisted taking a pic of the Nabeyaki Udon which I had order (Flora actually tot I was “ordering for fun” when I said I want the Nabeyaki udon. . Well … the “Nabe” does sounds like….). Look at that fish cake. So cuteeeeeeee!

5 Aug 2006

Stepped into SPH Audi again, to attend the Qiang3 Mai4 finals. The 1st singing competition organized by TXY.
Guess the finalists will be elaborating their feelings/thoughts, whatsoever on their blogs so I wun elaborate more ( arghh I am so tired, it is near to 1am now).

Anyway, TXY committee are out to earn $ from us. Haha , a good way to earn funds . 50% of the results are from votes casted from the audience. Each vote cost 20 cents/ I had to spilt my votes for the contestants of group category, as I know them all (yiwei, chengyao, siping , huifen).

Personally, I think the “highest” point of the competition is when Chengyao and Yiwei sang 恋爱ING. Everyone was laughing! No wonder Yuneng called them the 皇牌.

Congrats to the winners (especially the “咸鱼变鲍鱼” Yoyo). Actually all of them are winners as everyone has at least a trophy to bring home. The sound system was bad (well, can’t be helped), yet all of them remained unaffected and gave in their best . *clap *clap*

Overall, the event can be considered a successful one.


* It’s was the 1st time I saw sips put on such heavy make up. But initially, she did not draw her eyebrows. After Yaoxian and I repeatedly commented that she looked as if she doesn’t have any eye brows (owww I was so direct), she was finally convinced that she needed to colour her brows.

* Ehh, should I considered myself lucky? I was one of the winners in the lucky draw. My prize: 金沙’s latest album (which is considered to be one of the better prizes.)

* Qium & I plan to be “pirates of the TXYs”. Hahahha

Yah, I know the above are still not considered proper blog posts . Sigh, what can I do?
Need to sleep now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

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Thursday, August 03, 2006


I can't help thinking, is having telepathy a good thing?

(as I said, I won't be elaborating much here)

I had a feeling something was amiss yesterday afternoon. Just told myself not to think too much. It didn’t take much effort as there are lots of work to deal with and soon I forgotten abt that.

This morning, checked something, and still can’t help feeling that something must have happened to that friend.

Received a call from Tiger in the afternoon on my office phone. Kaoz she actually jotted down my office number! And she started off scolding me that I did not pick up my hp.
Well, firstly, I was away for an hour briefing on fire drill evacuation (yeah sounds stupid) and secondly, my hp is always kept inside my cabinet, the ring tone is barely audible but I will check it occasionally. Anyway, Tiger just called to ask if I was coming home for dinner as she don’t intend to cook. Haiz, I was scolded for such small matters.

After ending the call, I naturally took out my hp, cleared the missed call notification and put it back into the drawer. It so happened that I forgotten to close the drawer fully.

Just then, I received a sms. And I could sense who it was from. Upon checking, it was from that friend and true enough, something had happened to that friend yesterday noon!

Premonition? It might not be as I sensed it after it happened.

Are we telepathic? I hoped not. However it is not the first time it happened.
Years ago, something similar happened too.

Last year, I also had a feeling something happened was related to another friend of mine. Upon checking my address book, my suspicions were confirmed.

Why is it I’m only able sense “bad things”.


On another note, it’s really 谢天谢地 that my friend is still alive. I don’t want anything to happen to any of my friends…

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Some kind soul actually reserved a pair of tickets for me to attend the live! Show of Singapore Idol this Thurs, even though I did not request for it. However, I have to give them away as firstly, I dun think I am able to rush down in time after work. Secondly, none of my friends are interested in results shows. Most of them were asking for tickets to the Finals…..


I am pissed. Fed up with all the preparation works.

It's not easy , especially two events happening in the same period.

Don't you dare to complain if you don't even volunteer to help out.


Anyone has SHE Superstar CD to loan for the “Superstar Gathering” and Jolin’s WuNiang CD too. (yoyo, have u mastered that dance?)

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006


My working environment is so tiring, even my colleague’s teddy bear seems to display signs of fatigue.

My colleague purposely left her teddy bear in this position before she left office to help
out at an event. Well, if you are wondering what happened to my soft toys which I had put up on the ledge, sad to say, they have been removed weeks ago. Apparently, I had heard comments from someone that these don’t reflect well on our corporate image. Also gone were my posters of Jay & Jacky (not that I am crazy over them anyway).

Bleh! They should have taken a look at my previous desk or my ex-colleagues desks at SPH Magazines. People even gave me a big ribbon for me to tie on my i-Mac then. (must really dig out the pic ) My desk was directly in front of my ex boss, the editor, aka Dowager and the GM . And neither of them ever brought out any house rules..

Now back to the teddy. I guessed my colleague dare to bring it out now as the “big bosses” were also away. If not, some sensitive souls might create gossips that she putting up a silent demonstration.

On another note, received an email from Dr Lowem, containing pics of Superman in ridiculous costumes.

I personally like this the most:

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