Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Spent more than an hour last night making the above necklace (or rather, part of a necklace). My first attempt using the “hooks technique”.
Didn’t have any instructions sheets or art book to refer to. Months ago, saw that the “necklace making craze” was catching up on some of my friends and had asked Flutterby regarding how these necklaces were hooked together. It seems simple when she explained all you need to buy the hooks, a pliers and a wire cutter (and of cos beads lah), and how nicely the hooks were connected will have to depend on yr 功夫liao.
Had bought the golden beads and hooks some weeks ago. The silver beads were originally from the bracelet I wore on Superstar Gathering (the elastic band that connect the beads had snapped). As for the pink beads, I had bought them on the spur of the moment when I was sourcing for other stuff at the craft shop yesterday evening.
Thinking that I had sufficient beads to start with, and as I need some time alone, I decided to try making a necklace last night. However later do I realize that I do not have sufficient beads to make into a long chain necklace.
So now, I am fretting over the options I have:
1) hook them up into a shorter necklace
2) buy ribbons and clasps to tie them two ends together
3) buy smaller pearl beads