Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I was torn.
It was a case of more choices = more trouble.
really had a hard time weighing the two choices I was facing.
Option A :
- pay same as option B
- though a bit far, but there are 2 direct bus
- jobscope boring -- managing schedules and doing powerpoint slides
- boss seems veru authorative (cos interview panel only consist of him, HR officer not present)
- dunno the environment cos they never arrange for me to meet up
- next pay increment date in late 2007
Option B:
- Pay same as option A
- travelling distance very incovenient, will tale at least 1,5 hours.
- environoment & colleagues & boss seem nice
- jobscope more challenging (include HR function which I wanna learn) & I was told that there are some periods which can be very stresfull
- next pay increment date is mid 2008 cos by joining in Feb 2007, they are unable to access me in mid 2007.
Consult some of my friends and then they were thinking of monetary wise, option A is better. But i really cnat see myself having stuck with doing something I dun like just becos of a higher pay in the following year.
However for Option B, there is also a risk. since they are so keen to have me onboard, willing to wait till Feb. They must be having some expectations from me.... Also have to factor in the travel cost and travel time. I might be tired in the long run...
Torn... this is not a case of "spoilt for choices"
(to be continued)