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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bye Bye another wisdom

This may seems crazy. Here i am blogging now just in a couple of hours after my wisdom tooth extraction.

Had seen the dentist on Monday evening, which he suggested having the extraction in the morning instead. cos part of the wisdom tooth already gone, he not sure if can pull out by normal extraction. Cos if not, have to proceed to surgery. And if there is any excessive bleeding, can a least follow up in the day rather than having to send me to A&E. Tuesday morning not a good day to be off at work cos fellow colleague had taken leave. And guess what, this dentist also said my two lower wisdom teeth also have to be taken out sooner or later.

2.5 yrs ago, another dentist from another clinic also mentioned the same thing....

My RO was like asking: "u sure u one day MC?". Cos 4 of her wisdom tooth were extracted by surgery . I told her from my experience abt 2.5 yrs ago ( , it can be done by normal extraction and of cos I hope to report to work after a day MC. (Cos that means no surgery.)

So yesterday, at office, we were joking abt that was the last chance for me to eat junk food before i have my tooth extraction. Snacked on the Kettle Cheddar Beer Potato Chips, cakes from Han's .

Even though at the end of the day I was joking them to them to pray for me that i only be getting 1 day MC, i had to admit I couldn't help worrying abt the possibility of having dental surgery to remove the tooth.


Appointment was scheduled at 9.30am. Notice that the dentist who came was not the one who had examined my teeth on Monday. Much younger guy with dyed hair. After having the bad experience of a female dentist who claimed that she dun think she can extract my tooth in the midst of my last wisdom tooth extraction, I preferred to have a male dentist for extraction.

9.30am -- reached dental clinic
9.45am -- seated on the dental chair
before 10am -- wisdom tooth extracted

(i know the extraction was done b4 10am cos receipt show that the time of payment was 10.02 am).

I can proudly proclaim that I din even tear at all, even when given the anaesthetic jab. The assistant was prepared to hold my head still during the extraction, but later she think it was not necessary and kept her hands off my head. Same thing happened again as my last experience, one dose of anaesthetic was not enough, for i feel pain in the midst of the extraction and ask for another.

Was given a day MC and was told to have a good rest. but then i reach home ard 11am after buying Panadol Extra(due to my weak stomach, not advisable to take those painkillers which dental clinic prescribe), instant porridge and liang-teh.

Tried to sleep but end up having illusions of food. (I also dunno why, but my stomach was growling).
Give up trying to sleep. So get out of bed at 12.30pm, went downstairs to buy milk.

Since I have nothing to do, so blog abt it lor.

Heh heh, has ask for my tooth before leaving the clinic. Wanna take a pic of it before throw it away. I did my best attempt to minimise any grossness.

So whatever u see here is the good part of the tooth, for half of the molar already gone.

I wonder what is the use of wisdom teeth for both dentists mentioned that they are hard to maintain. which lucky person did not experience any discomfort when their wisdom teeth grew out and had perfect wisdom teeth over the years.

See what i had found while sourcing for info on wisdom tooth:

Why Should an Impacted Wisdom Tooth be Removed if it Hasn't Caused any Trouble?

Impacted wisdom teeth are almost certain to cause problems if left in place. This is particularly true of the lower wisdom teeth. Such problems may occur suddenly, and often at the most inconvenient times.

When is the Best Time to Have my Wisdom Teeth Removed?

It is now recommended by specialists that impacted wisdom teeth be removed between the ages of 14 and 22 years whether they are causing problems or not. Surgery is technically easier and patients recover much more quickly when they are younger. What is a relatively minor operation at 20 can become quiet difficult in patients over 40. Also the risk of complications increases with age, and the healing process is slower.

Some Pro's of Removing a Wisdom Tooth:
* Wisdom teeth may be hard to access with your toothbrush or floss. Over time, the accumulation of bacteria, sugars and acids may cause a cavity to form in the tooth. If it is not restored with a filling, the cavity may spread and destroy more tooth structure causing severe consequences to the tooth and surrounding supportive structures.

* Due to the difficulty of keeping these teeth clean with your daily home care (brushing and flossing), bacteria and food debris remaining on the wisdom teeth may present a foul smell-causing bad breath.

*A wisdom tooth that is still under the gums in a horizontal position (rather than a vertical position) may exert pressure to the surrounding teeth, causing crowding and crooked teeth. This also may occur if there is not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom tooth. This may warrant braces to repair the damage.

*A wisdom tooth that is still under the gums may become irritated. The gum tissue that lays over the tooth may harbor food debris and bacteria that gets trapped under the gum, resulting in an infection in the gums.


Wisdom teeth to be remove ard 14-22 yrs old?!!! Woah, I am already past the age group.

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