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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Sunday, April 08, 2007

Monsters Finale@ Muchuan

Pic 1st, talk later.

Had spent more than a day retrieving pics taken with monsters over the 2 years . And then attempting to do it on Photoshop (yeah, just got it installed). And here's the result of my 1st attempt using photoshop . Wonder will some of them "kill" me for exposing their "early stages" photos.

click on the pic to view it at 100%

Updates on 8 April 07:

(Am suffering from flu+cough + fever + lose of voice now. Before my medicine taking it's effect, better continue writting this piece.)

Monsters' Finale @ Ark (木船), 31 March 2007 (Sat)


收到着讯息的那晚,我翻查部落格,原来Monsters 陪伴我将近2年3个月与4天了。
从Apollo Centre 的Muchuan, 到 Safra Town Club 1 楼,再搬移到Safra Town Club 2 楼的木船。

第一次听Monsters 的表演,是在2004年12月27 日。(看起来好恐怖). Ironically, that was not my idea, but just to accompany someone who wanted to see her crush. 觉得这党还挺有默契的,hence was quite surprised to learn that they had just formed a few months ago.

喜欢听Monsters 的表演,是因为能从中听到不同种类的歌曲。
例如:惜妹和健华常常唱的新谣 -- 水的话,从你回眸那天开始
美莲唱的粤语歌-- 追
阿杜所擅长的英文歌曲-- Journey, Drops of Jupiter

还少不了一些“另类”歌曲-- 爱到才知痛,无言的结局...

这两年来,Monsters 也在我人生扮演不小的角色:

1) Had a Farewell Gathering with SPH Colleagues at Muchuan on 31 Jan 2005
2) Held 25th Birthday Gathering at Muchuan.

当然,除了参与了他们的1st& 2nd Anniversary Parties, 这两年来,也“借用”Monsters所唱得Birthday Song, 提不少朋友庆祝生日。当让还少不了请Monsters帮忙 "sabo" Birthday Boys/Gals.

就如其他在场的顾客见证了这些"故事", 我也在Monsters的党看了不少“戏” 或“故事”。
最令人反感的就是一群假装“Sabo" 朋友上台唱歌,可是“受害者”早有准备 。 (Chi-ba-boms will know who I mean).
最令人感动的还是关于“一粒球”和“一张纸” “一个月来一次”的承诺。

老实说,自从木船搬到Carpenters Street 后,就不再对木船有感觉。唯一让我在去木船的,就是去听Monsters 表演。

也许就是为什么,我不会因为Monsters 离开木船而难过。 因为就如他们所说的,那不是Monsters 的最后一次演出。


应该是从阿杜“自high"地演唱“Superwoman" 后,气氛才变得较轻松。

最后一个钟头的快歌+组曲表演,大家都尽力地拍掌。但是听到他们开始唱 "当你孤单你会想起谁" 时,气氛又变得感伤了。

情形那晚没什么其他事物,见证Monsters在木船的finale。不过,还是有点遗憾。因为那晚,my gadgets' batteries all played out on me.

本以为可以利用Mp3 player 把当晚的表演录起来,没想到一个钟头后,battery went flat.
所携带的digicam & 3 batteries all went flat too.


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