Friday, August 31, 2007
in case some of you start getting some ideas while reading the title, I have to first state that it is not referring to someone but SOMETHING.
That's my thoughts after the dress fitting session.
Went to purchase a dress (or rather a gown) for the company DND yesterday.
就像那天,看中了一件灰色裙子。试穿后感觉还不错。有slimming effect-腰围看起来较小。The cutting is what I know best for me – A-line skirt . 只不过,想起之前曾穿过浅灰色的裙子,dun wanna buy a similar dress again.
The lady boss recommended a few dresses, but after trying, they dun seems as fitting as the grey dress.
Let me record what I have tried:
Blue tube dress -- too loose at the top. Colour makes me look pale
Lilac tube dress -- look too plain
Silver spag dress – too straight looking
Black balloon-styled dress with gold sash—somehow I dun seems to be able to carry off the “pomp-pomp” effect. It seemed to me that I was wearing a garbage bag
Red halter dress – actuallt it was quite fitting and the colour look good on me. Just that as I dun have assets in some area, so better 避短扬长. :P
Like what the lady boss said, 绕了一大圈,若不介意又有一件灰色的裙子,那件灰色裙子is the best choice for me.
所以说,并不是我不愿意尝试“Something new”。当这些”something new”无法跟你自己拼凑出最美的效果时,还是选回 something which you are familiar and worked best for you” 吧!