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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Polar Bear, Attachment program

Have not been writing for days..
Well some of the things are just too personal to be written here.

I may write that I cried, but I wun be stating the reason why...

"Funny" thing is that, some till now do not suspect anything amiss when I totally din contact them for weeks.

Anyway, 拿头发“开刀” 真的是个很好的发泄方式。 那 “‘红’运当头”不只受到同事的好评 (maybe my previous all-black hair was really boring), 也似乎带来好运。 Received an email from boss (while he is still on leave) regarding my new salary with effect from Sep. Though it is just a minor 2 digit figure (more than the one in Jul), it is rather unexpected as this wasn't he pay increment period and boss only announced weeks ago that Junior Execs can expect to get their salary adjustment (I dun fall into that category). So perhaps it is an increment after having passed the probation. Till now I do now know the reason as I did have a chance to check with boss after he came back from his long leave on Fri.

Anyway, Boss returned back to work with presents from us. My colleagues got their nougats as requested and I got this:

(used photoshop to achieve the above effect. Just had a "photoshop tutorial lesson" from Gor this afternoon, must 学以致用。)

Another polar bear added to my collection! When boss msg us if there is anything we would like him to get for me, I just sms that "if you happened to see polar bear soft toy", thinking that if he happened to see those "Made in Australia " polar bear instead. Nonetheless, I did not have this TY polar bear called Siberia cos it is "born" in 2007. So I must be really lucky that I did not received another "twin" polar bear.


1) Paws -- a big polar bear --in chirstmas 2001.
2) Fridge
3) Baby Iceberg -- specially imported from US by the toy shop owner who knew I collected Polar Bears.
4) Aurora
5) Snowdrift --brought on 2 May 2004
6) Porcelain Polar Bear given by Rebeckka on 26 April 2005
7) Chili -- bought on 14 Nov 2005
8) Snowfort -- bought in April 2006
9) another Aurora -- given by 金城太 on 18 Aug 2006 as my birthday present
10) Chillingsly -- bought in Dec 2006
11) Siberia -- given by boss on 28 Sep 2007

( Thanks to myself blogging regularly on nitty gritty stuff, I am able to track back all these info. Ha!)

have been busier when boss was away for the pass two weeks as I was on an "attachment program" to a clinic while also working on my 2 projects. Quite interesting actually, for I get to see things happening on the ground. Boss had given instructions that to prevent me not being exploited by the staff there, I am only supposed to so admin work only. Had 2 "unusual encounters" during my 2 week stint there

1) While working in one of the consultation room, I was asked asked by the "Sister" ( we addresses Nurse Managers as "sisters") to shift to another place as there is a prisoner brought in and they have to put him in this consultation room for privacy reason. So I came face to face with this prisoner in a wheelchair brought in by 2 Cisco officers . The reason he was seated in the wheelchair is because he is shackled. Heard that if he is shackled, he must have commit a major crime. Hmm wonder if that is true...

2) While working in another consultation room, there is this Indian old man who wanted to use the toilet inside the room when there are other wash rooms available. Had asked if he wanted to use the public wash rooms down a few step away . Did not dare to reject him when he insist
cos it will not look good if he complained and we are taught that we must put patients first.
I told myself even though there is not anyone waiting outside the room, at least the door is left open and if he try to do anything, I can shout.
So i focus on my work on the computer and try to keep cool.

Minutes later, even though I have my back faced the toilet while focusing on the computer, I could see him standing opposite the desk , not saying anything. And minutes later, he said to me " ok already"
Quite worried on what's his intention while telling me he had finished peeing? I just acknowledge with a nod and said "Ok" to signal he may leave but yet when I made a call to my colleague regarding the printer error I was facing, I still caught him standing in the from from the corner of my eye.

Thank god my colleague ask me to meet her in another room. So i quickly pack up and leave. and this man looked bewildered.

So either he is a pervert or he must have mistaken that I am a doctor ( which I dun look like one and there room is not being used by any doc to see patients during that hour).

So these two incidents really let me experienced the "dangers" the ground staff may face in the clinic. I have been too sheltered in the office all the while.

Had told "Mrs Wong" that during this stint a the clinic, I was practically openly looking at pictures of genital areas cos that the clinic deal with urology (think of urine). While working on patient education materials, I have to scan and insert pictures of male and female private parts. Words relating to those areas are often come across. Heng I had taken up Pure Biology lessons in my school days so at least I am not shocked by all this. I'm more interested to go for "attachment" in the plastic surgery clinic though.

Told "Mrs Wong" that somehow I think Songyu might have enjoy it if he was attached to the clinic. Haha

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