Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Feeling very down recently.
I am now sick again. Sick for weeks.
2 weeks ago , i seemed to have caught the cough bug (probably from the office as quite a few staff were heard coughing). See a doc,
geiven taht "as-usual brown cough mixture".
After a week, still coughing. Seen the staff doc again and was given the same syrup and 3 days dosage of antibiotics .
teh end, i think it was the mangoes and
durains which I ate that cure the cough.
So, for that Fri , Sat and Sun, my spirits were up again as I had recovered and have gotten my voice back.
But then , towards the end of the day on Monday, I started having block noise.
Tue morning, to i was feeling better so went to work as usual, only to have my condition worsen. Developed a fever and my nose was so blocked at times that I seems to lose my sense of smell.
Wanted to go to the GP near my home but decided to give it a miss was I saw it was full of sick patients. Popped a few
panadols and rest early.
This morning, fever seems to subsided and was feeling so tired after 2 hrs of work and my
throat started to feel pain. Whenever my
throat is sore, i knew i gotten another viral infection. So told boss I prefer to go and see the doc near my home and was released from work. Boss is also not feeling well and was intending to leave office early today.
Well, the doc from the clinic diagnosed that I have caught another new virus , different from the fever which i have recovered from.
That means I have contracted 3 diff type of viruses over 3 weeks!!!
Damn , when did my body's immunity become so weak.
Anyway , was given another type of
antibiotics to be consume for these 5 days. Just hope that I can recover and dun rely on
antibiotics too much...