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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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My Grandfather
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Out of Bound
Random Thoughts
May The Floss Be with You
On Becoming "Mrs Lee"
Vexed & Charisma
Somehow a series....part 1
Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Happy CNY, recent happenings & Spoof

Foresee that I won't have access to internet these few days, so here's wishing everyone:


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So here's a very quick summary of my past few days' happenings

21 Jan (sat) -- attended 心情溶剂, mainly to support ML. hahaha... witness the birth of a 少男杀手. It was not difficult to predict the winners of the competition. Well, guess what appeals to the mass sure win the judges' hearts.
Then attended SY's birthday chalet and spent the time eating, singing until 3am. Supposed to wake up at 7am, but was awaken by a 连续不断,千变万化 sound. haha

Tue 24 Jan -- New mattress arrived, but not accustomed to it, after all, i had been sleeping on a thin sponge mattress for more than 10 yrs.

Nothing "happening" happened during the past few days. Was rather busy at work. Always when we need something urgently, system error occured. Oh did I mention that the old auntie colleague resigned? We wondered what she had up to her sleeves and what shit she is leaving behind. Seems like she is still playing games -- purposely not providing the contacts which boss asked her to handover, taking MC when she was denied to take leave. Well, let her be... I was taught and I believe in leaving the company in good name, not matter how much u dislike the job. Singapore is such a small country, who knows you might cross yr ex-employers' paths in the future.

Thurs 26 Jan-- My colleagues and I did something "kee siao" when our bosses went for meeting. The 3 of us tried to play 《珊瑚海》 on our laptops at the same time. We succeed at the 3rd attempt. And the result was a "stereo surround system". Quite shiok actually.
Received my confirmation letter in the evening. Phew. My first job with a probation term of a freaking 365 days. Finally,probation's over. Haha.

Fri 27 Jan -- looking forward to meet my friend who is working at Singtel Hello shop. Called her a few days ago to tell her I am buying my phone on 31 Jan, when my contract ends. And u know what, she said she can do early upgrade for me .

If only I had thought of approaching her weeks ago when my phone was spoilt. Now, who's that customer service officer at the call centre who told me that I had to strictly adhere to the contract and can only upgrade my phone on my last day of contract.
Anyway, due to budget, I opt for a Panasonic phone instead of Nokia. I just wanna get a new phone! You can understand how frustrated I was , carrying two spoilt phones for the past weeks . One , which can sms but can't pick up for received call, and the other (borrowed fr sis) , which can be used to call in/out but can't sms as the keypad is spoilt. I had been smsing the phone numbers from one phone to the other whenever i receive a call to my line, cos I can't even key in the phone number to the other phone. Encountered time lag on several days which made me so pissed off that I dun even bother with any calls or smses.

Ok shall end here. Enjoy the holiday and the goodies.

Wait, This is Damm funny!
Oh, for those who had watch the movie Memoirs of a Geisha, here is a spoof of the movie which I had received from my colleague (I choose to embed the video instead of linking it):

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Monday, January 23, 2006

两首关于“幸福”的歌 (updated on 26 Jan)

long entry after the lyrics....

Click on the pics for a larger view.

《一次幸福的机会》是XM在上个星期六向我推荐的歌曲,还建议我学唱这首歌。XM 还要我们特别留意刘若英在歌曲结尾时,所发出的哭泣声。 老实说,听了这首歌后,虽然会被刘若英那把感性的歌声所感动,可是没有兴趣去"K"这首歌。 听了几遍,还是抓不到verse, 抓不到歌曲所要传达的感觉。

最近在杂志上读到五百位王心凌“量身定做”支歌曲,但忘了歌名。 当晚,就从房间看到摆在客厅的电视正播着往心凌的一段MV。 虽然看不到歌名,但感觉复歌那句 “深深的 深深的 爱着你”很有伍佰的味道。 于是,我隔天就单凭那句“深深的 深深的 爱着你” 查出歌名。

以往,要我在王心凌和刘若英的歌曲作出选择,我当然选择听“智慧美女”刘若英的歌曲。但这回,我比较喜欢《我会好好的》。 也许是歌曲里的主角较坚强,不需要对方安慰她,反而还以 一句“我会好好的” 要对方安心地离去。 《一次幸福的机会》里的主角较软弱。明明说了不要哭,但还是留下了眼泪 ( 最后那两句歌词: 你说别哭/我说不哭/然后我们都留下了眼泪)。

仔细看歌词,它们都跟“幸福”扯上关系。而且,都是提到另一种幸福---- 不是大家所谓的“幸福在一起”的幸福。



如果是像《我会好好的》的主角那样, 双方真的有交往过, 那句“那是我心中的幸福” 里的“幸福”,也许真的是一种幸福。

可是,如果她是一厢情愿, 深深地爱着一个不爱她的人,




hmmm shall i present my view in formulaes?

If the person is:

a) one whom u happen to love/like = yes!

b) one whom you will like = yes!

c) one whom you will never like/love = no!



最近才知道有些好友好像特别“关心”我的“终身幸福” hor...
关心到竟然会跟踪我,想知道我跟谁约会。 (you all know who you are. Can't believe u all did that!)

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刺激2006 vs 刺激2005

mentioned in my previous post abt a song titled 《 刺激2006》.
and the lyris are attached below:


還記得嗎(最熟悉的陌生人) 我們在機場的車站 (你的背包)
所有快樂悲傷所有過去通通都拋去 (伍佰-浪人情歌)


靜靜看你走 一點都不像我(开始懂了)

我要帶你 飛到天上去(小薇)


愛恨消失前 用手溫暖我的臉(广岛之恋) 



喔喔喔喔喔~~I LOVE YOU無望 (五月天 I LOVE YOU無望)

Had managed to retrieve the lyrics of the original song 《刺激2005》 from my archives & the link is as follows:

Manage to spot the differences between the 2 songs?

I wonder will someone come up with a "刺激2007" next year? :P

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Thursday, January 19, 2006

song , sotong and songs..........

Note: this entry was 1st drafted on Thurs, and edited on Fri. Hence posting date still remains as Thur.

Just heard 933 airing 李聖傑与林隆璇合唱的 《你那么爱她》。
Yah, i had given u all a preview of the lyrics last month. and how here's the full lyrics:

詞曲 林隆璇


林: 直到愛消失你才懂得 去珍惜身邊 每個
美好風景 只是她早已離去
李: 直到你想通她早已經 不再對你留戀
最後的你 開始了一段掙扎

林: 你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下
為什麼不說心裡話 你深愛她


李: 你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下
所以你不想再讓自己 無法自拔

林: 你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下
為什麼不說心裡話 你深愛她

李: 你那麼愛她 為什麼不把她留下
所以你不想再讓自己 無法自拔

I had been rather "sotong" these few days.

Monday, I left MC before the Monsters' performance ended, and just before I reached the bus stop, I realised I had not paid for my share. So I rushed back to pass my friends the $. Guessed other patrons also witnessed this scene.....

Tue night, I received a friend's sms regarding meeting up "tomorrow" (which means Wed). Yet the sotong me thought "tomorrow" refers to "Thur" and replied "I have lessons on Thur".....
It was only until 10 mins later then I realised the "sotong mistake".

Wed: I forgot to bring my copy of newspaper home.

Thur: I forgot to bring the strawberry 大白兔奶糖

Fri ( new sotong case!) : Mistaken 6 March bookings for 10 March, and panickly told boss that a mtg room was booked.

I din eat any sotong last week mah... only ate quite a few pieces of Muah Chee.。。。

(this is rather long and "rojak", can skip reading this. )

I mentioned in my previous blog that hearing 张学友的经典歌曲《只想一生跟你走》 will caused me to have goose pimples. but i forgot there is another song that caused me to have goose pimples too. (Not that i am thinking of something, it just hit me when I heard someone singing it and saw the lyrics). And it is also another classic song by another Heavenly King.


歌手:刘德华 专辑:真永远

词 曾伟祺 曲 王家耀

我一直都以为可以 能把你轻易忘记
天天想你 夜夜哭泣 不能自己

说什么海角到天际 说什么今生永不渝
天天想起 夜夜回忆 眼泪再继续

放在我的心上 没有爱没有思念的地方

只是让一个人孤孤单单 让一个人心慌


Then, I also felt uneasy upon hearing someone singing this song:



哈啰 就红了双眼
哈啰 又过了一年
哈啰 在天黑以前想的万语千言
哈啰 却停在你的脸
哈啰 何必再相见
啰 回不到从前
哈啰 我瞒不了心痛的那么明显
哈啰 难首这就是再见



回想起来,我有点“自虐”。 分手后,不愿听那些“疗伤歌曲”,例如 《分手快乐》。 反而把自己沉醉在《记事本》,《黄昏》,《心碎了无痕》, 《害怕》 中。 越听越伤心,越听越心痛。 听到朋友唱《分手快乐》, 我会以很 “condemn”的语气说:“神经病,分手哪里会快乐。 说倒容易啦!”

原以为这个“黄昏瘾”会患上好几年。 没想到竟出现了“第三者”。

“第三者”来头不小, “杀伤力”还比《黄昏》强。

至于现在不想听的歌曲有哪些,我不愿在这里透露。 (不是我要吊你们的胃口)


Grrrrh, 今天933是怎么搞的,竟然在“九连环”播出《我变了》,《怎样》,《眼泪成诗》,《爱是你眼里的一首情歌》 --- 这些都是我最近跟朋友提起过的歌曲....

933 也在推荐一首《刺激2006》。 听起来好像是我曾介绍过的《刺激2005》,但有几段歌词好像有点不同...

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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

在你离开之后的天空 ...


昨晚,不知怎么的,想起了蔡依林 版本的天空 有那么一句:
在你离开之后的天空 我像风筝寻一个梦

元卫觉醒 的版本则是:
在你离开之后的天空 不曾再有晴朗的

Hence I came up with a few versions of my own:

Rule: the last character must rhyme with 空 (kong),要有韵音哦!


1) 在你离开之后的天空 泣声消失在雷雨中
2) 在你离开之后的天空 眼前都是一片朦胧

3) 在你离开之后的天空 我从此看不见彩虹
4) 在你离开之后的天空 不曾再有美丽的梦
5) 在你离开之后的天空 想起你心就感到伤痛
6) 在你离开之后的天空 泪水总是不停地涌
7) 在你离开之后的天空 我从此失去了笑容

“kee siao”版:
8) 在你离开之后的天空 我沉迷在麻将中
9) 在你离开之后的天空 我快要变成 Siao Ding Dong
10) 在你离开之后的天空 我整个人变成 gong gong
11) 在你离开之后的天空 我整天都在 jiak hong
12) 在你离开之后的天空 我就像只sotong那么gong

I know these are lame,
And someone gonna faint
U see, that’s why I can never become a lyricist.

Haha my dear friends, anymore contributions? Please leave them in my comments box.

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Monday, January 16, 2006

Back to the office and saw.......

Oh my god! How fast it grows!

See the difference?

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Friday, January 13, 2006


as if I am not suay enuff, my Handphone was declared spoilt.
Something wrong with the earpiece, that is why i can't hear anything when I pick up calls or dial out.
Not worth it to send for repair. And since Singtel states that I can only upgrade on 31 Jan 2006 ( can't bargain for earlier dates), i shall wait then.

So friends, from now till 31 Jan, please dun call me. SMS me instead.

*pray pray*

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coffee & seedling

Anyone realized that it’s Friday the 13th today?

Din really feel like updating my blog, besides it’s difficult to update my blog without a PC at home. (Now I am typing this entry on MsWord). Wasn’t in the best of mood for the past few days. The rainy weather din help either…..

新年,现在对我来说,是个“花钱”的节日。Have to buy bedsheets, pillow, bolster, 糕点…

Feel like quoting BR : “一衰 (suay) 还有一衰衰” ……祸不单行啊!


Anyway I dun think the probs will be settled so easily, hence I have to take a step at a time.

Now,can let me post something unrelevant?

It’s Coffee Time! Yah…. 冷咖啡。

Bought 2 cans of coffee from a convenience shop a few days ago.

Nescafe Mocha
Bought this one because I was attracted by the new packaging. I believe that the older packaging was red in colour. Still prefer Nescafe Latte though.

I don’t know how long has this Dutch Lady Ice Latte Koppi Vienna been on the shelves (see the word NEW on the can?), but it was my first time seeing it. Curious to try out coffee manufactured by a company which has always been known for its fresh milk (ehh this sentence sounds weird… I can’t say “dairy products” as the coffee drinks may contain milk), so grabbed a can too.

As for the taste….. well, I thought I tasted caramel when I drank it, and true enough, caramel is listed as one of the ingredients. The caramel was so strong that I could not taste any trace of coffee. It seems like caramel milk drink that Ice Latte. Perhaps it appeals to others who have a sweet tooth.

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Updates of my seedling:
In less than 5 days (refer to pic in my prev post), it has grown to this tall!

Super fast right? At this rate, I ‘m afraid it will turn into a tree within a year. Hahaha.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

As if my probs are not enough, my home PC "died" on me yesterday. Dun understand why it could happen. It was still alright when I switched it off a few days ago. Din use the com for the past few days, and yesterday when I switched it on with the intention of creating some artwork for CNY cards, the CPU gave out a never-ending beeping sound. And THERE WAS NO DISPLAY ON THE MONITOR!


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Monday, January 09, 2006

8-9 Jan 2006

With reference to what happened on 8 Jan 2006 evening:

I shall refer it as "The Event". Din wanna reveal what it was to ppl who dunno abt it.

Just watched the video, I fared worse than I thought. Rather dissappointed with my 临场表现。 More dissappointed with the 2nd segment.(though ppl say i more steady then) Cos I know I can do it. Especially how high i can go when I practised in the washroom.

As for 1st segment, i am the type who need a few minutes to adjust to the environment.Could not get used to my voice i heard from the system. Sounded so unlike me. hahaha. It's only after a while then I manage to tell myself not to care but abt the voice.

From the video , then i realised I tend to make many funny expressions. And not to forget how many times i was um-chioing ( if u wanna know the reason why, cos I saw Lady Boss and GH holding out their handphone and waving them. Arghh I have to learn to keep focused).

Need to thans my friends for being so supportive . Have to endure the torture (somemore they are paying $ to hear me torturing them. hahaha). Paiseh, I wasn‘t on my best form on stage.

Well u can say I am quite harsh on myself, but that is becos i was far more steady when i "rehearse in a rather public area" the nite b4 The Event.

* bish myself* ironically, "mentor" had commented that I was one of the most improved & hardworking student b4 my second segment. hai..... dun deserve the praises

Hence I promised my friends one thing :
有一天我会 比较 Steady!

Guessed i shall file my copyrights for that phrase....

9 Jan 2006

Imagine wat a surprise when I came back to my office and saw the Good Luck plant I had received from my my ex-colleague had germinated over the weekend.
(pics not clear though)

So there are the words "Good Luck" on the seedling.. Wonder how they managed to inscribe the words.

How glad i was to see the seedling. I was afriad that I may killed the plant instead.

hmmm hopefully the success means I am blessed with Good Luck.

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Friday, January 06, 2006

2 classic songs

Was listening to 1 Jan 06 圣杰Live!Time and one of the songs he recommended brought back some memories.

He chose to aired 张学友的 《只想一生跟你走》。 A classic song right? I remembered it was my fav song years ago, was so touched upon hearing it. And I am not wrong, it was the 1st Cantonese song I ever learnt. I remembered how much time I had spent hearing it repeatedly, trying to note down the Cantonese pronounciation. I remembered how I liked to "chap ji kee" whenever my guy friends sing that song during the KTV sessions.

What a strange feeling it is to hear yr idol recommending a song of yr favourite singer, and then something struck me. The lyrics....






I could feel the goosepimples coming out ...... Have not really hear that song for quite some time.....

Then this made me thought of another song. Rather irrelevant though.
Before Kelly (the Project Superstar finalist) sang 被爱的女人 , I had always wondered what is the title of the song. Always heard it on FM 97.2 ( my parents ' preference), but din managed to catch the title.

I remembered how I tried to find the song, by typing "让爱固定下来” ,“都能重新再来” on search engines, but they did not produce any leads to the song.

So I have to be glad that Kelly chose to sing such a classic song ( this song is abt 10 yrs old) .

Someone mentioned that 它像是情妇唱的歌. Hmmm , looking at the lyrics, especially this verse "这个周末我可以依赖在他的胸怀" , it really seems so. hahaha.

当初被这首歌感动,就是因为复歌的最后两句歌词给我留下深刻的印象。 现在重温这首歌,更对那两句歌词产生共鸣。
*ahem* my dear friends, please dun think too much har, I am not attached hor. Anyway here's the lyrics

曲名:被爱的女人 歌手:李玟

在镜子前面 我是个被爱的女人
他就在门外 这个周末我可以依赖在他的胸怀

在情人面前 我还是单身的女人
爱若缺了缘份 我想我只能用情至深 但不能太认真

为什麽被爱 有时却觉得悲哀
为什麽我 还是害怕 一个人醒来
为什麽相爱 日子却仍然空白
为什麽你 走不到我的未来

让爱固定下来 我不会永远青春可爱
我的美丽要你的温柔 帮我保留下来
让爱固定下来 我和你不要不要分开
我不是每次失恋後 都能重新再来

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Thursday, January 05, 2006

Just as I was abt to start writing this post, I heard Li Sheng Jie's 痴心绝对 being aired over the radio again. :) hmm seems like Fm 933 likes to play Li Sheng Jie's song in the mornings. Hahaha. Good good.

Ok now a quite updates of what happened during the past few days.

30 Dec 2005

Worked for 1/3 day @ office. Then we proceed to have our company-sponsored lunch @ Seoul Garden & movie of yr choice. Ever since having the steamboat meals at the restuarants at Temple Street & Beach Rd, meals @ Seoul Garden weren't something to look forward to anymore. Seoul Garden offer less varities of meat... I prefer the healthier choice of yuan yang steamboat.

Shopped ard for a while before we proceed to the movie theatre. The majority of us choose to watch Narnia. Tilda Swinton really steals the show as the White Witch. The battle scene reminds me of LOTR though, especially seeing those ogres.

31 Dec 2005 (late nite) to 1 Jan 2006

Went all the way to another part of Singapore to collect my specs, (yes, that one which cost almost $400) & my new contact lens. So by the time I had collected them,, my TXY grp had complete "fa~ing" their newsletters. So went down to Esplanade to meet them.
Plans went like this, dinner @ Thai Express. Wait for Sips to arrive. Watched Fireworks, Go Muchuan to look for Monsters, and then see how it goes.

Speaking of fireworks, it's awesome! Haha. We got "high!" waitching it. Here a short clip of the fireworks . (i have more, but din wanna take up too much bandwidth)

While we shouted"Happy New Year", we "kanna" foam sprayed by some passerbys. (Luckily the only sprayed us from the back.) Yuck. Dun like the soapy smell.

Walked to Muchuan (you wouldn't expect us to take public transport, as it was so crowded). Saw Ah Du in a jacket hanging ard the entrance(ther rest were still performing). Sips 吵着要跟阿杜拍照。 Seems like everyone presumed that I 'll bring my camera along everywhere I go (heng I brought it along). Also took a pic with Ah Du.

My eyes were tired! Haha, I always fret abt not having a small pixie face, but now looking at this pic, especially at Ah-Du's head, I think I shan't complain anymore. kekeke. (hmm wonder will Ah Du's fans see red if they happened to see this. Did I mentioned that my site tracker reports showed that there is someone who stumbled into my blog after trying to search for info abt Muchuan Ah Du's blog. hmmm some fan of his ba! :P) Hmmm, come to think of it, this is the 1st time I took a pic with Du lao shi.

The rest of pics which I took for BR and Sips can be found at Auntie Lin's (林太太) blog. So what happened after we dropped by @ Muchuan, Auntie Lin had reported on her blog, hence I won't write abt them.
Wait..... shall mentioned that we re-enact the scenes of someone having her eyes only for someone on New Year Day last year. *Ahem* U know who u are.

Something happened on 1 Jan afternoon, that I will write in my super super private blog.

2 Jan 2006

Went to catch Love Songs of Jeff Chang & Sky Wu by Eric Du & Jianhua @ the Esplanade Recital Studio. Heard ppl gasping "Woah" when the two men in white came out from the backstage. I actually expects the seats to be filled by those xiao-mei meis who have crushes on them. But, but... I saw lots of aunties and uncles. Since when they become 师奶杀手 too ???? 杀了小妹妹还不够,还要杀 aunties!

Quite enjoyed their performance (epescially the medleys, I always like medleys) even though they are not the orginal singers. Cos Jeff Chang and Sky Wu's songs "belong to my generation". 不要对他说...用情...从开始到现在...寂寞公路...爱与愁...特别的爱给特别的你...
The surprise of the day was when Ah Du cross over from playing the keyboard to play the Grand Piano. Others may not know that he dun have any piano background. No wonder he felt so 屌.

We were so 捣蛋。After their performance ended, we pretended to be fans, held out our tickets and asked them to sign. Some aunties crowding ard Ah Du actually thought we were his fans. Anyway, they also played along and signed for us.

Shall I out this up for auction. Who knows, perhaps their fans would buy. hahahaha.

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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Countdown performance

Obtained this from Sam's Taiwan Fan club. Was thinking it is such an awesome performance by Li Sheng Jie that I should share it. This is what I call an inspiring Live! Performance.

(15 min video)

Credits to YaFen from Taiwan

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2005, 2006

As a norm, I am writing my reflection of my year in 2005 and resolution and wishes for year 2006.

Year 2005 was full of experiences and learning. Many things had happened to me, more problems with my family, especially it comes to monetary concern. I went through a tough period in Mar to May, but what else can I do but to accept all these in silence. However, I think I am rather blessed by heaven as coincidentally, I had won some $ which was just enough to cover their debts.

Sadly, this incident left me scarred. Somehow I learnt not to trust them with $ anymore. It makes me wonder if they raised kids just to get $ out from them.

As for work matters, there is rather some development in my job since I switched job in Feb. Many changes happened in my current job— it wasn't as stable as I expected to be. I had served under 4 supervisors this year. Not that they quited, just that more and more “levels" are created. So it was a challenge to adapt myself to different bosses’ working style. I learnt quite a lot in my current job, from admin to finance to HR matters.
The main problem I faced is a super chao-keng auntie subordinate, who always wanna compete with me when I am not the type who will fight for attention or career advancement. Realised that even when you dun wanna be involved in those games, there are people who will still play games with you. I am not the type who will purposely go to the supervisor’s office, to report on what I am doing. My current supervisor actually told me that he initially wonder what I had been doing until he saw that I prove to be more capable than her. It made me stressed, cos I dun like people to have too much expectations on me, especially whenever the auntie feign ill, I had to cover the duties for her cos he want the work to be down and knew I will do it. And because they all think I got the potential, they seems to be putting me on some “tests” to see if I am able to take up the challenges.

Towards the end of the year, I was given more responsibilities, and took up lots of courses to prepare for my new jobscope this year. So far, I can handle them and see this change as one that could help me to build up my portfolio.

The more serious I am at work, the more kee-siao I will be after work (or in between the breaks at work) to release the stress. A case of “work hard, play hard”. Hahaha. I had been downing myself with latte (oh latte!) recently. Hahaha.
Ok ok, be serious. I had been hanging out with friends after work or during weekends more than usual. Think 2005 is the year where I “toned” the most.

2005 is a year of self-enrichment. I think I did fulfil my 2005 resolution of learning an extra skill. I took up some course (which I dun wanna mention here, shhh cos my family members dunno abt it) and I will still continue taking it until I graduate, hopefully by end of this year, hahaha.
I also took up some card making course and pick up scrapbooking and other card making techniques on my own. I realised that I can totally lost in this “world of mine” when I am focused on making these craftwork. I also tried my hands on photography and digital scrapbooking.

I am also surprised that I still blog regularly, and there were quite a few interesting entries that I had come up with last year (the love theory, talk abt charisma and love letter). Of cos, I am still as reserved as before, even though when I had wanted to keep this blog exclusively for my friends, there are some regular strangers visiting it. (I dunno whether to laugh or to cry).

I dunno how my friends think, but I think I had changed in someway. There are somethings I learnt not to care much abt them , there were times where I preferred to shut myself from the rest instead of seeking comfort from friends.

Speaking of friends, I seem to have friends who are facing lots of problems and ordeals in 2005. That is why I do feel I am rather blessed in a way. Some of them had to face coping with cancer-stricken relatives, some of them faced relationship problems. I had seen quite a few friends ending their long time relationship. But then on the other hand, a few of my friends got married last year. I admitted that they affected me too, somehow friends’ experiences taught me some life lessons.

Oh, forgot to mention that 2005 was also a year full of activities. I helped out in my friend’s ROM, my friends birthday celebration. Attended Muchuan’s New Year 2005, Monster’s bday, Xmas celebration and 2 Muchuan concerts. Of cos one activity, which I was rather proud of is that I had organised a theme birthday gathering. It was fun sourcing partywares and décor and planning the programmes. Wanted to do something grand in my life and of cos I could not have done it with my friends’ help.

There is one 2005’s New Year resolution which I din managed to fulfil—-to further my studies. Talking abt it make me dui4. Arghhh.

Well, I still have plans to further my studies. However I plan to do it in Jan 2007 as I wish to take some non-academic related courses in 2006.

Realised that there is one more thing which I did not fulfil in 2005, but shall I say that is being postponed to this year. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will travel to Taiwan in 2006.

Before I end my reflections of 2005, there is one last thing I wanted to add, Hahaha how can I not mention abt it. For 24 years in my life, I have an idol, nd I got to meet him in person. Yah, “he “ is Li Sheng Jie . ( I know some of u going to faint.)

Such a long entry. I am actually writng on MsWord now and am now at page 3. I really thank my friends for patiently reading till this section. Without further ado, I shall now talk abt my New Year wishes and resolutions.

My 2006 Resolutions:
1) To be more careful, especially at work, where I will have more tasks to do. I hope I won’t miss out important details.
2) Take up a few more courses. I have some in my mind now: tarot cards reading, costume jewellery making, advance card making.
3) To do a scrapbook for my 2005 Bday gathering. Some friends urged me to do it, especially when I had a theme for that.
4) Maintain blogging regularly. Hopefully, I can come with few inspiring entries this year.
5) Pamper myself if I can. Perhaps I shall reward myself with facials, holidays etc, if my budget allows.

My wishes for 2006

1) Smooth working environment. My current workplace is much boring than my previous one. Hahaha. But that can't be blame. However as it is going to be fully operational to the public in 2006, I ‘ll be facing more challenges. Hope that I can cope with them.
2) Hope that I will be a good bridesmaid ( or shall I say “jie mei
') on my friend’s wedding. It is my first time being involved as one. There are lots of coordination to be done. Really dunno how it will turn out until the day comes.
3) 不会丢我老师的脸 ( shhh, some will know what I mean). I only have a few more days to prepare.
4) To see my idol’s live performance again!
5) Have an answer to what is troubling me now. It happened unexpectedly, and I dunno the reason behind and what it will lead to. Hopefully no one suffers & all will turn out well.
6) My friends will stop nagging me to get attached. Hahahaha.
7) Manage to keep my hair past shoulder length. No spilt ends please.
8) A smooth and blessed year in 2006. The same for my dear friends too.

Hmm “looking forward to 2006” isn’t the correct way to describe my feelings now as I have some fears which I can’t explain.

Hmm shall I put it as :

2006 is like a box of jigsaw puzzle pieces. I can see pieces of puzzle but I dunno how the picture will turn out in the end until I slowly put together the jigsaw puzzle pieces by pieces as each day passes by.
365 片拼块所组成的拼图会是什么样的画, 那就等我一年后再揭晓吧!

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