Wednesday, May 31, 2006

no, I am not going to 讲古。
I am sure my friends all know abt the story of 屈原,and the association with dumplings (粽子)。
my msn nic for today is :
ba-zhang 吃多了,你的 “ba" 会“长”(zhang).哈哈哈!
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Nan Ren Bang
I think whatever I am going to write might caused some uproars (mostly from gals, esp their fans) but I decide to go ahead anyway.
Went to watch the 男人帮 performance @ Muchuan on last sat, 27 May with the chibabom gang + waitresses. 1st thing that surprised me was numbers of patrons seated at the tables at 7.30pm, which is half an hour before the performance start. If not for Yoyo having called Yuzhi to help to reserve a table, I guessed we won’t be seated there, especially when we are so used to arrive on the dot or even later.
Bumped into my ex-colleague (one of the “ah-shuis”) who tagged along with her friends. From what it seems, think her friends choose to go to Muchuan specially for that performance.
Nan Ren Bang was divided into two segments, the first segment is more acoustic, where they sing ballads (To elaborate, there are two guitarists: Liang Wen & Jianhua, a keyboardist—Ah Du, and 3 singers – Ah Du, Jie Hao & Jianhua). Then after 10pm, it became a live band, with Liang Wen playing the drums.
Frankly speaking, a few of us were getting bored towards the end of their 1st segment. I guess that is mainly because the hosting style of Jianhua and Jiehao are similar ( their similarities dun stop at their initials “JH” , haha), which were: telling corny jokes, sometimes unnecessarily. At times, they seemed like interrupting each other, leaving the jokes sort of being “dangling in the air”.
Still prefer Monsters (and yeah, how strange when 2 of the Nan Ren Bang members are also in Monsters group too), though the jokes can be corny at times, there were some witty comments.
Monsters, at least to me is more balanced, where everyone take turns to sing a song and each Monster’s style of singing is different. They actually complement one another. But for Nan Ren Bang, it seems like there’s a competition – for attention, between the two JHs. Can say Ah Du is the smart one, choose to talk/joke/strike only when necessarily. But then, his song can be ruined by others. It’s really "破坏气氛” when he sang “becos of you” and after he reached the notes of “same damm thing~~~”, someone (I shan’t name who) added a “piang!”.
Then there is a pause, and giggles. But think abt it, it is not funny at all. The whole song is spoilt!
I wonder was it arranged between the gang that Liang Wen wasn’t given a mic since he is not singing anyway. This, I feel that even is he din sing, he should still be given a mic. Who knows he may blurt out a witty comment out of the blue and that will really bring more entertainment to the whole show. 所谓“一鸣惊人” 嘛! Kinda feel weird that only 3 guys talking where there are 4 guys on the stage.
As for the band segment, it still seems that Liang Wen was overshadowed even though he was the percussionist when the guys sang “洗刷刷” and “不怕不怕”.
If not for the ““不怕不怕”. , I’d say I enjoyed the Band segment (ok I admit I ‘d condemn that song no matter how differently the guys sang it) . It was a refreshing change from the usual Monster’s performance. But still I feel that Monsters is one group which will capture loyal audience from all sectors, where the Nan Ren Bang is more for the adrenalin rushing gals.
Before I get “whacked’ by those guys’ fans who came across my blog (possibly by typing “muchuan “ or “nan ren bang” on search engines). I’d like to clarify that I have nothing again the two JHs. Even though one always sang “my hubby’s” song with mistakes. Hahaha. Come to think of it, he’d still choose to sing “my hubby’s “ song from my dedication list , even though he might have been sian of them. Think he din make mistakes when he sung “远走高飞” that night – perhaps he’s not stressed as I dun have any ‘glaring power’ cos I was seated so far away.
接下来,可要辛苦他们了。Cos Mr Li’s album will be out soon, and you bet I will request them to sing his new songs. Had already passed them the lyrics of ”很想说”. Lots of 转音, not that easy to sing.
Haha, I went out of topic liao. Can’t blame me lah!
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Monday, May 29, 2006
yoz everyone,
Here's a preview of Sam Li Sheng Jie 李圣杰 new song-- 《很想说》 lyrics.
(Thanks JQ for the lyrics)
Watch out for the song on Fm 933.
很想說 --李圣杰
(You are so beautiful to me~~)
在我眼裡妳永遠最美 連妳一個微笑也都會讓我醉
妳所謂的幸福我想給 以為手不放開就是痴心絕對 太愚昧
難道 笑容沒了 距離有了 快樂也走了
還是 真心死了 彼此不信任了 終於懂了 真的
很想說有妳是幸福的 很想說我的心是妳的
很想說妳真的誤解了 很想說妳真的忘記了 My Love~
笑容沒了 距離有了 快樂也走了
還是 真心死了 彼此不信任了 終於懂了 真的
很想說有妳是幸福的 很想說我的心是妳的
很想說妳真的誤解了 很想說妳真的忘記了
很想說會好好疼妳的 很想說愛妳是自由的
很想說妳是否聽見了 很想說妳真的忘記了
愛了 就有堅持理由 別說 我會留在路口
不會走 愛妳會直到最後
很想說有妳是幸福的 很想說我的心是妳的
很想說妳真的誤解了 很想說妳真的忘記了
很想說會好好疼妳的 很想說愛妳是自由的
很想說妳是否聽見了 很想說我們可不可以 復合
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Thursday, May 25, 2006
for my reference
Post the below is just for me to refer to when one day I need to make that decision.
Advice from a friend thru MSN. Purposely removed what I said cos I know what I'd said.
S??? says:
well.. you have a choice lah
S??? says:
decide what is best for yourself and move on
S??? says:
if there is still potential for growth in the company
then I would advise you to stay on
S??? says:
if there is no potential to grow,
then start looking out for new jobs
S??? says:
there is no value in loyalty these days .
3 years is too long
2 years is good
S??? says:
thats true to a certain extent
but that is very pessimistic in thinking lah
S??? says:
ultimately, if you have done well within that year, or if you got solid projects to back you up
then no matter if it is one year or 3 years , people will still want you
S??? says:
it is not about how long you stay with a company
S???? says:
write those in a 'value creation' way in your resume
S??? says:
the world is always moving, there is no time to wait, if you plan then go for it fast
before you know it, we aged already
S??? says:
so if you have to leave then you should
there is no one holding you back except yourself
but having said that, you must assess the situations first lah
Sam Lay says:
not because of anything, but following my plan
S??? says:
i moved because I finished what I wanted to do in ????
so it is time to move on
S??? says:
think about it and plan
i spent 1 month re-working on my resume
S??? says:
gotta make sure my resume is on place before I can send it out mah
so that it achieve its mission
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Wednesday, May 24, 2006
3 songs
Currently, these are the songs on my “龙虎榜”。
Haha, they won’t be there for long, cos they will be all replaced by the tracks from Li Sheng Jie’s new album, which will be out in June.
1) Got to know this song when I heard a sound clip of Li Sheng Jie’s live performance. Sounds familiar and initially thought the original singer was 永邦 (from the info I had gather). And the the following Monday, I dedicate the song @ Muchuan, and was puzzled when Jianhua “Complained” that I have been dedicated “weird old songs” (永邦唱的歌会旧 meh? I had wondered then). Furthermore, I couldn’t catch Jianhua and Ximei when they mentioned the name “李恕权”. Thought they might have mistaken when I mentioned I had listened to “李圣杰” version. Only after they repeated the name, then I realized what they meant was “李恕权” is the original singer.
And the next day, to my horror, I found out that 张学友 had 翻唱 this song in 1986. Kaoz , that’s exactly 20 yrs ago. So can imagine how “old” this song is.
老歌,但好听。So here’s the lyrics:
词 曲:姚凯禄
2) This song also related to Shengjie. Haha, not because he sang this. But the melody of his new song (one sentence only lah) reminds me of this. Have been hearing it until I fall in love with it. 好象不容易唱,要放很多感情去诠释这首歌。
歌手:同恩 专辑:做自己
词:阿怪 曲:林松锦
下雨了 站在玻璃门里头
并没有 总是挂念着我
夜晚了 只剩老板跟我
不知怎么安抚 太任性的我
已经过去 雨伞和雨衣 不会再庇护我
本来不觉得你特别疼我 直到你不再疼我以后
来不及了 手写的留言对象 已经不会 是我
停雨了 不必再躲雨了
已经过了该打烊的时候 还是不太想走
太晚了 只能坐计程车
常常会 半路 熄火的后座
已经过去 雨伞和雨衣 不会再庇护我
来不及了 长长的简讯对象 已经不会是我
沿着导盲砖试着假装 的确有点困难~
已经过去 雨伞和雨衣 不会再保护我
来不及了 对不起 长大太慢
抱歉让你白费了 这么多
3) This song… is not related to Shengjie. Haha. Heard it from the radio. Jolin had mentioned that it is a slow rock. You won’t think it’d be classified as rock until u hear the chorus. Reminds me of “柠檬草的味道”+ “倒带”+“天空”。
Prefer this song to “舞娘”cos I can related to the lyrics: “像是驼鸟 相信时间是唯一解药视而不见 傻到了无可救药”.
Over these few years, had seen ppl behaving like ostriches when it come to love matters….
还是别说了…. Perhaps reality is too harsh to face at times…
歌手:蔡依林 专辑:舞娘
心跳在你沉默以后 慢慢的被淡忘掉
我笑了笑 反正你看不到
我要的幸福 遗落在你怀抱
当爱失了焦 那些最初的美好
记忆停不了 穿过读你的心跳
穿过想你的味道 我只想不被打扰
假装多好 我只要 只想要 再拥有一秒
去相信你的拥抱 一直会让我依靠
继续等待 还 心甘情愿的 不想逃
当爱失了焦 那些最初的美好
记忆停不了 穿过读你的心跳
穿过想你的味道 我只想不被打扰
假装多好 我只要 只想要 再拥有一秒
去相信你的拥抱 一直会让我依靠
继续等待 心甘情愿的 不想逃
假装多好依然是 依然是暧昧的tone调
一个人无理取闹 两人世界的煎熬
我被自己困在自己设下的 圈套
像是驼鸟 相信时间是唯一解药
视而不见 傻到了无可救药
其实早明了 你的爱已随风飘
想要找 再也找不到
假装多好我只要 只想要再拥有一秒
去相信你的拥抱 还 心甘情愿的不想逃
假装多好依然是 依然是暧昧的tone调
一个人无理取闹 两人世界的煎熬
我被自己 困在自己设下的 圈套
假装自己 已解开冰冷的 手铐
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Monday, May 22, 2006
Quick update of what happened in my life last week.
Quick update means a few sentences and picture. Will leave the serious stuff we had talked abt to be reported on my other blogs (or maybe this) some time later.
Met up with gor on Wed 17 May. After a meal of Duck Rice at kopitiam, he suggested going to Rocky Master to sign my scrapbook. (Cannot sign my scrapbook at Kopitiam meh, I wondered).
Of cos, I ordered Ice Blended latte when I spotted it on the menu. Was excited at the t
Hought of adding one “latte pic” to my “collection”, but was greatly disappointed when it came in normal plastic drinking cup and cap. Duh!
Then gor took out a big pen, which I thought was a toy. Was so fascinated that I took many pics of it.

This is one of the pics. I think my gor will kill me when he sees this. Kill me not because I publish pic of him, but becos I added a flowery border for this pic. Ok, now see how big the pen is. Whoever bring this along to the exam hall can cause great distress to his neighbours. Haha.
Sat 20 May
Spent 4 hrs at J Salon (located in Far East Plaza)… “ironing flat” my hair. The hairdresser suggested cutting my hair straight, not layer, cos “ if it’s layered, the air is light, and there’s no weight to pull the hair down”.
Luckily she din cut my fringe, if not I’d look like a China doll…..
Come to think of it, it has been quite a couple of years since I had a china-doll hairstyle (minus the fringe lah!).
Then I wandered ard in town, dropped by at the library, before meeting Mrs J-C and Mrs Wong for movie. While waiting for Mrs Wong, Mrs J-C and I decided to la-koppi at TCC.
Haha , now I got a chance to drink latte again.
Was tempted by the promotion pic of Azuki Coffee , but then was put off by the description of red beans in the menu. In the end, I opted for
Ice Minty Mocha instead.

Now, this pic was taken by Mrs J-C. I purposely “blurred” my face. But can still see how "unnaturally straight" my hair was.
Then I wanna put photography skills (or rather the lack of) to use, and took a pic of my latte. Actually caught Mrs-J-C in a child-like fascinated expression as she was stiring her drink in the background. But to preserve her anonymity, I had “masked” her face.

Seems like lot’s of people were out to catch movies that night. By the time Mrs Wong reached, there were only separate seatings available for Over The Hedge at 10.30pm slot, and we chose to watch the next slot at 12.50am.
Over the Hedge was funny, though not as funny as Ice Age. There’s lots of movies spoofs, if you are able to spot them. Think it was the only time I laughed so much for the recent weeks.
Ok, before I end, I shall now present you a pic of Mr Li Sheng Jie’s injuries which was published on a Taiwan news website. Who does he remind you of?

Harry Potter?
On a serious note, there were 30 stitches. Ouch!
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Friday, May 19, 2006
The Nasi lemak man episode
While buying lunch at a Nasi Lemak stall this afternoon, the old uncle surprised us by jokingly refer to the “bah chor mee” podcast by Mr Brown .
Strongly advise those who had not heard the “browncast: the persistently non-political podcast” to first listen to it at
So this was what happened:
Me and 2 colleagues (Ms Ng & Ms Ang) were da-pao~ing lunch back to office. I had ordered my packet of nasi lemak without any spicy stuff. Then it was my colleague, Ms Ng ‘s turn
Ms Ng: Uncle, 给我一包,不要午餐肉,不要hotdog.
Stall owner: 鸡腿?
Ms Ng: 鸡翅膀
Stall owner: 辣椒要不要
Ms Ng: 要。多一点。
Stall owner : 你很会吃 nasi lemak。
(some comments which I ‘d forgotten)
Stall owner你没有吃 guneng 鱼。
Ms Ng: 你没有给我嘛。
Stall owner: 你没有讲。
Ms Ng: 我只是说我不要午餐肉,不要hotdog。
Stall owner: 下次(吃鱼) lor。
Ms Ng: 下次就给两只。欠我的。Haha
Stall owner: 我这里有CCTV。
With that, Ms Ng & I burst out laughing. Knowing that he was making reference to the “bah chor mee” episode.
Whereas, Ms Ang, who had not heard that clip, took the matter rather seriously and asked us:
“真的有装 (CCTV)啊?”
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
sometimes I really wish I dun have to work.....
Gastric juice churning.....
I have not encounter this type of "stress induced gastric" for quite some time.....
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
what I have been doing in May
Fallen ill liao. Dunno is it cold or flu. Keep having different symptoms at different times of the day.
Haiz, perhaps immune system down as I was working late for the past 2 nites. Worked past midnight to do my scrap book. Rather proud to have complete it in two nights on. Thimk the total hours I took was less than a day.
Let me see…. Sat 13 May morning, started the scrapbook in the Bookworks class. That’s where we learnt to make 10 pages in 3 hours. Then continue fr evening 8+pm to 1+am.
Sun morning went for KTV with ex-colleagues, then laze around in library. Only manage to continue the scrapbook from 10+pm and work till 2am the next day. Made abt 28 pages in total.
Perhaps u might be thinking “you siao arh, pia so hard for what?”.
I cant explain it myself either. Maybe I had unknowingly been given a jab of adrenalin (hahaha , “koped” fr MI:III) , and hence was in the mood to complete it.
ok here's the pic

May is a month for movies. Had watched MI:III with ex-colleagues on 8 May and Poseidon with the 2 sexy-voiced sisters on 12 May (haha i think I 'm gonna bished). Prefer the latter. Almost wanted to say it's more action (compare to Titanic) but the realised MI:III is an action-pack movie. Was telling my friends how ironic it was that the gay old man who initially wanted to commit suicide by jumping off the Poseidon lived in the end.
So , I had watched 2 movies this month, and still considering watching Da Vinci Code, Over the hedge, X-Men .
Faintz. So many movies to watch. There was one year where I only watched one movie -- Pearl Harbor, if I am not wrong.
Had initially wanted to write abt the "Impossible Mission", "car chasing" incident I experienced after watching the movie on 8 May, but then, had forgotten much details liao...
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
attn Yoyo!
Attention Yoyo aka Fadigunvic aka salangheyo:
This video is specially for u. Let's see if you can dance the same moves as her.
hmm found another new video.
yan, it's Jolin Tsai's new song “舞娘".
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
kiam pah gal
I had enough of her nonsense liao!
For once, I really wish I could curse her GO TO HELL!
I had never seen such an irresponsible, greedy slacker.
Even when an order is issued from management to ask her just to come back to settle the admin stuff and henceforth, need not report for work, she showed open defiance by not reporting back to office.
If you had wondered why I was busier for the past few months, or displayed “she makes my blood boils” on my MSN, well... she was the cause of it.
"She" refers to my subordinate. Perhaps I have been too nice to her by 睁一只眼,闭一只眼 when she used MSN and make her own phone calls on office phone that she took advantage of me.
To me, as long as you get the work done, I dun care if you chat at times. But pushing work till weeks while you chat and surf net is simply too much.
A friend of mine joking described her as “kiam pah” which I think was a suitable word to describe her. Sounds vulgar hor. (Hokkien sounds vulgar at times) But if I now list down what are the things she had done(or rather "not done"), u decide if she’s kiam pah or not!
1) She’s supposed to perform some roles and prior to have access to the system, she was supposed to have studied the e-learning modules and passed the online test. Yet she a simply took the short cut by just attempting the MCQ tests again gain again until she got
a passing grade (without even learning the module). Not it is no surprise that she did not even know how to use the system, and becos it concern abt $$, I have to take over her roles as we cannot afford to have any erroneous entries.
2) Had given her weeks (note: it is WEEKS, not DAYS) to study the modules. And she simply used the time to surf net and chat instead. Perhaps it is becos I din not ask her to give a daily progress report, 她就那么放肆。
3) This one is classic. I had told quite a few friends abt this.
One day, we were rushing out 19 papers to be sent to important ppl. And I had already spoon-fed her enough by printing out the sticker labels . Stickers labels consist of two types, lone contain address and the other is the file titles. it is really easily to differentiate between the two). Told her to past the label stickers on the files and the ones with the addresses are to be past on envelopes. So I thought simple stuff like this, she as a 23 yr old with more than 3 years of working experience can handle it. Hence I din check on her work. Yah while I was busy sorting out the paper, she can still chat online at such circumstances.
We were already short of time, and imagine how I felt when I was abt to double check the contents of each file and found that she had pasted the ADDRESS labels on the paper files instead!
Even fools know that address labels aren’t supposed to be pasted on files covers.
She is not stupid ok, just simple can’t be bother with her work.
And henceforth, I had to double check on every simple thing she did.
She was supposed to assist be, to lighten my workload. But…. Gave me more troubles
4) She was addicted to chatting online so much that when I just step away to allow her to key in her password, she maximise her msn screen to chat.
5) She loves to cook porridge. While the colleagues make an average of 100 units of call a month, she made more than 1700 units of calls. These were shown clearly on the statement.
There are still lots of “make your blood boils” incidents which I can mention. Had forgotten quite a lot (becos there were so many), and these include dishonesty, bo-chapness.
Anyway my boss had decided not to renew her contract (to put it in a nice way), after seeing she failed to how any improve after “the talks”. And instead of clearing up her work (she only left with photocopying duties, as I had took over the other roles from her), she took leave on almost every 2 days and when she was at work, she openly chat on msn.
I always thought when you leave a company, you should leave in good name and clear up your work and do a proper handover. Not to show this type of “ I dun care since I am not going to stay for long “ attitude.
Do you really think that it is good that you don’t have much work to do, or you will have lesser work to do by not performing well? No company will pay you to do nothing!
To my friends who haven’t join the workforce yet, I hope you wun behave like her hor.....
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Monday, May 08, 2006
Taiwan Trip, Day 4
I know I owe my friends (plus myself) this piece. Yeah, report of the last day of my Taiwan trip. Had been busy with more important stuff, so kinda push it off . Furthermore, I had spent some time exploring the new free photo-edit software. But u see, I tried to compensate by putting more effort in my art work. (only for the ones on Red House. Hahaha).
Without further ado, let me present u this:
Day 4 (7 March 2006)
Last day of trip. Really 舍不得离开。
Had breakfast slightly later than usual. And even though the café is almost packed with guests, the 2 aunties insisted on their policy of frying an egg for each guest as they entered. “这样蛋才新鲜”. That was what I overheard.
So, even when we had almost finished with the other food, we still waited patiently for the eggs to “arrive”. 其实,我真的吃到腻了,但刊载是“最后一早”的份上;看在阿嫂们那么坚持为每个客人煎个新鲜的蛋的份上,就应酬她们。
After breakfast, took a train to 龙山寺地铁站,of cos to take pics of the temple.Din went in to pray though, as we do not have enough small notes with us.进去又不捐点钱昨添油费好像对神明不尊敬,况且,我们又不知道如何祭拜,所以我们还是站在寺庙外拍照就好。

Saw a fountain pool and the sign nearby stated “美人照镜池水舞喷泉”.

Such a nice timing that a few seconds later, we saw water spurting out from the fountain. Glanced at my watch and realized it was 9am (that’s when the 1st fountain show of the day starts) .
So here I present you the pics of 龙山寺 and the fountain show.

We also saw a “strange looking machine” which was not in operation. Actually it is a machine which generates your horoscope of the day and only operates from 6pm. I guess by pressing the buttons of which indicate your zodiac sign, you can get a view of yr daily horoscope.

Took the MRT back to Xi Men Station and had our Easy Card (悠游卡) refunded. Got back NTD$200+ in cash. Hahaha, with more cash on our hands, I bought some traditional muah chees and cute candies to bring back as souvenirs.
Before we walked back to our hotel, we went to 红楼剧场 (located opposite XiMen Station) to take some pics. 红楼剧场具有九十多年的历史文化价值。现在已被指定为第三级古蹟。 If you want to know more abt this Red House, you can visit this website:
It’s a pity that we didn’t manage to tour The Red House as they only start operating from 11am. Here I present you the pics taken. (spent quite some time on these “artworks”)

Went to the nearby Dante Coffee joint after we had chgecked out of the hotel. I had reservations in leaving the luggages at the lobby but was left with no choice to do so as there weren’t any seats available at level one of the coffee joint .
Dante Coffee reminds me of Starbucks initially, perhaps becos of the green colour they used in their logo. But then, Dante Coffee’s products are much cheaper, ard S$3.75 for a regular cup of ice-blended coffee.
This was what I ordered:

摩卡碎片冰沙. Ice Blended with Mocha and Chocolate Flakes .
As you can see from above, I spend quite some time taking pics of my coffee.
Now, let me show you something interesting. Dante Coffee has its own website, which give a very comprehensive listing of their products. Not only the prices are listed, the nutritional information of each drink are also given. See how much calories, fats, proteins my glass of摩卡碎片冰沙contained? Click here :飲料類&ClassB=冰沙&Page=2#121
Anyway, I decide to show you all this pic since some friends had the "wrong impression" of it.

Well, it seems like someone had taken this pic of me sitting behind the wall partition with a small window screen right? Nah, I actually took this pic myself, what you see is just my reflection on the mirror, but the glass of Mocha isn’t. Go figure it out. Keke.
I liked the atmosphere of the coffee joint. 很难形容…总之,在那儿坐了一会儿,就莫名奇妙地开始深思一番。
Ok, if ou would like to know more abt Dante Coffee, you can find more info on their website:
Next step: hail a cab to the airport. JQ had previously help to check out that the flat rate from the hotel to the airport is abt NTWS$1100-$1200 ( which is S$55-$60). Dun gasp, remember the journey is abt an hour, and we were in Taiwan, not Singapore. Anyway, our cab driver quoted us NTW$1000, which we agreed.
Whizzed past quite a few 槟榔stalls on the way. We were feeling rather chilly when the cab driver only winded down one window halfway (and we were wearing jackets). Can’t imagine how the 槟榔妹 can withstand the cold in their skimpy clothings.
Dun wanna talk much abt the journey back to HK airport then Sg airport, makes me feel moody. I dun wanna leave so soon.
So here’s the “moody moody” pics of the journey back home.

Having learnt my lesson, I requested we both check in our luggage separately at the airport. And as u can see, my return luggage weighed 10.4kg, up from 6.8 kg. And that doesn’t include the 5 bags of food stuff which I hand-carried!
Ok ok, I know some may be interested in the in-flight food. So here u go:

The plane landed in Singapore at 11.50pm. And I really started to feel “sian” when I heard the caption announced that the ground temperate is 27 degree Celsius. 10 degree Celsius warmer! I WANT THE COOLING WEATHER!
Ok. With that, I had completed my report of my 4D3N Taiwan trip. Not sure if I’d do a “post mortem” or write abt the “after effects” of visiting Taiwan. Better not promise any cos I still have not report abt my good pal’s wedding which had taken place on 12 March!
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Tuesday, May 02, 2006
As Mrs Wang put it, I was 环岛追追追 on Sat 29. Apr It didn’t surprise me when I read my backdated horoscope today.
APRIL 29, 2006
This could prove a busy day for you on all levels. Professionally, you could attend a lot of meetings in which you receive a lot of useful information. Socially, you may attend at least one party, or perhaps just meet with a group of friends for drinks or dinner. On this occasion, you're apt to find the banter and camaraderie shared by people you care for not only stimulating, but relaxing as well. Enjoy your day
True, I met up with a group of friends over dinner , then “ton” at the airport til early morning. Played some games and made to do some silly forfeits. For the period, I really forgot abt the frustrations I had at work and other aspects of my life.
Now back to the journeys made that day.
In the afternoon, traveled from my hometown(somewhere central / north) to Jurong East IMM. Supposed to meet Mrs Wang there, but poor Mrs Wang was stuck in her seat at the hairdressing salon that she din get her chance to see her hubby. Being her 特派员, I tried to help her capture her hubby singing, but ended up recording a shaky, blurry video. There were so many people in front of me, and I practically had to tiptoe at the max, hand stretch out to the max. It didn’t help when her hubby only sang two songs, then proceed the hand shaking sessions with his thousands of fans.
So I make my way from Jurong East to Orchard MRT. Signed up for a class before continue the journey to Dhoby Gaut MRT. Meet Mrs Wang & Mrs Jin Chen there.
Have a quick bite, then went to Carrefour to search for skipping rope (requested by Mr Katherine McPhee-obsessed) before we headed down to Bukit Merah.
After some dilly-dallying, the group of 8 finally settled down for dinner at Mr Katherine McPhee-obsessed’s favorite makan place. Mr Katherine McPhee-obsessed even gave a speech before we tucked into the food. Wah, those who know who he is must be thinking his farewell very grand hor. Actually it is not even a farewell, he is only going back to his hometown for 2 weeks. But anyway, good excuse for gathering.
Back to his house after dinner, and he proudly show us the video clips he have of his “idol’s” performances in American Idol. Ok ok, to give her credit, she is good. Got figure, got charisma too.
Soon after midnight, we all headed to the airport (Changi), though he’s checking in at 5+ am. Nothing to do mah. End up playing some “Beer 7” (where instead of those number which are in multiples of 7 or contains 7, u have to say “beer” instead”) and 中级密码. Of cos there were forfeit. Come to thing of it, u rarely will see ppl with an average age of 20+ doing stupid actions ( like tilting to yr side, twirling 10 rounds, using tissue paper as prop while doing hip hop dance) near the departure gates at the airport. Needless to say, the other patrons at the snack corner also look at us whenever we have to perform forfeits.
Compared to Mrs Jin Cheng, I was luckier. She was sort of tricked into making mistakes by JH.
And even we tried to gang up to sabo him, he managed to escape (cos Yoyo cut the wrong number), end up I “tio” that number.
Haha but in the final two rounds, he and Mr Katherine McPhee-obsessed hit on the lucky numbers . I swear we din gang up against them for these two rounds! Haha, this proves that 老天是公平的!
Left the airport ard 6am and reached home ard 7+am. Thought I would be able to sleep until late noon but was woken up before noon. Haizzz.
So that’s how I spend my Sat-Sun.
As for Labour day, I slept till 12noon (from 12 midnite). Nothing much to write, just that I met Hiromi for XO Bee Hoon and har-chiong-gai. Then I bought my dose of latte before we proceed to Muchuan.
Oh Hiromi, they sang the “lu” after u left for home. Awwww.
That’s for today’s entry.
Agent Harmonie was given a mission to complete. So far, it seems “Mission Impossible”, as I dun seems to be able to find any clues.
The above is for “M” (yeah, as in “M” in James Bond).
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