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Name: [Harmonie Wong]
Date of Birth: [17 Aug 1981]
Gender: [Female]
Location: [Singapore]
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Description: [Not going to spend time here introducing myself. To my dear friends, relax, I didn't change my name to "Harmonie Wong". If you hadn't read my first entry, it's just a nick. However, there is a story behind. "Wong"was chosen because of family's history with the surname. As for "Harmonie", it's because of a numerology pairing with "Wong". You can read more abt it in my 1st entry. I know that the online world is not 100% secure, so won't be revealing too much. & my dear friends, rest assured that I'll not be mentioning yr real life names in this blog.]

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Part 2
Has it ever occurred to you?
The “二轮之庆”
The Taiwan Trip
Interviewing Li Sheng Jie

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Friday, March 30, 2007

好一篇“肺腑" 之言



On Monday, dealt with a group of young boys (18 yr old) resignation. 从谈话中,才明白为什么我同事说这群男生其实很可爱。

周二,收到了一位朋友的简讯, 内容提到他们将离开一个地方。

以往所跟他们的交流都是因工作所需。但今天,就因为这群小妹小弟想试探我是否知道他们的名字,才打破了“我是HR, 你们是workers" 的心理;有机会跟他们多聊几句跟工作无关的事。 原本被 FY Closing 的事务 给累坏了。可是短短地聊了几分钟后,突然感到很窝心。

“我希望下次有机会再来这里时,会看到你。” 从他们口中的这句话,真的可以感受到他们这年纪所还存在的纯真。


喜欢这份工作让我有机会接触一群可爱的小弟弟小妹妹,让我相信“天真”,“纯洁” 依然存在。

Guessed I prefer to interact with youngsters than to conduct briefings or comm sessions to other colleagues.

It so happened that last evening, "T.E." (aka "The Ex", who is now a distant colleague) happened to talk abt work scope and PMP (performance management program). I was mentioning to him that I was told by my manager that one of the key areas for me to perform was to give briefings or conduct Comm Sessions to staff on the SOPs regarding HR matters . I'm not comfortable with this type of interaction. I dun feel confident to conduct such briefings to colleagues who are of higher positions than me or have been with the organization wayyyyyyyyy longer than me.

“你可以的啦。”he said. As if it's so easy! But then, these are the words who came from some one who had "kenna arrowed" to act as emcee for a function which the CE was present in that afternoon.


Had a ktv cum drinks gathering with T.E., and two of his long time friends ( a guy "L" and a gal "F") . Gotta know these 2 friends a few weeks later after I got to know T.E. years ago.

而你,也擦觉到(或是早已料)到我已知道(haha sounds confusing) ,所以提到她时,你也没回避。

后来,跟F闲聊几句后,发觉到原来很多事情,我懂得比他们多。 怪不得F 会怀疑我跟你之间不只是朋友的关系。






“啊?可以呀?里面有没有我不该看到的东西?" 我惊讶地问。

你顿了一下,说了句"Ok 啦!”, 便继续开车。


我得承认,这一点,你胜过我。不论朋友跟我有多要好,我也不能像你一样,敢敢把自己的手机让他们玩,或是让他们翻我的包包。这两件事物都代表我的私人空间。有几回,好朋友好奇地在我面前翻了我的包包, 表面上我看似OK, 但心里还是有点不自在。




F 载我回家,跟我聊了几句。回到家,感慨万千。




所以,能确定的,还是“我们是同事”的 关系。哈哈哈。





朋友在我们的人生中起着很重要的作用,也是我们的人生中是觉不能缺少的,所以,我们应该珍惜我们身边的朋友,朋友是我们人生中很多元化的角色,好的朋友是一个知己,是一个良师,是一个益友,有首歌中这样写到:千金难买是朋友,朋友多了路好走,以诚相待心诚则灵,让我们永远是朋友。这些歌词虽然简短,但它真正的把朋友两个字诠释的很到位,对待身边的朋友真的是应该以诚相待的,而且就算是你再有钱,如果你没有朋友,你的心灵也会感到空虚,感到寂寞。就算你是身无分文的穷光蛋,但如果你拥有朋友,你也就拥有了世界上最宝贵的财富,也就同样拥有了快乐。所以,朋友们,无论你是穷人还是富人,请珍惜你身边的每一位朋友吧。这样你的生活中就会永远充满阳光,永远充满快乐。坏的朋友也会把你带入一个绝径,要不怎么有句话叫做“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”呢!所以有些时候真正的朋友会对你说一些非常中恳,非常严厉的话,也许会伤到你的心,但请你不要介意,因为有句话是这么说的,忠言逆耳利于行嘛!那些狗肉朋友是勿要去交的,所谓狗肉朋友就是在你有钱有能力的时候巴结你的人,陪你吃吃喝喝的人。但一旦你穷困潦倒时候,他不但忘记了原来的种种,还要雪上加霜的人。而真正的朋友,是可以同甘苦,共患难,雪中送碳的人。也许每个时代朋友的定义和概念都有所不同,但每个时代的朋友都有一个共同的特性,真正的朋友是可以为你两肋插刀,为你上刀山,下火海的。我们的生活中,也许除了家人,最亲近的人不过份的一点说,也就是朋友了,而且有些话也许只可以去对朋友倾诉。 所以,朋友是我们生活中不缺少的调味品,只要你的生活中拥有了朋友,你就拥有了比金钱更宝贵的财富,所以,无论你是什么样的人,都请珍惜你身边的朋友吧,也珍惜朋友所带给你的那种异想不到的快乐。

知音不是情人它可以有情人般的浪漫温馨 但更多的是坦诚相对宽容理解
他没有“执子之手与子偕老”的不离不弃的拆言 看着若有若无却是真实存在的
知音也不需要承诺总是在合适的时间出现在合适的地点然后进行合适的交变 即使是相对无言默默无语 又是另有一番味道







  知己,是让你觉得你怎么会碰到一个让你欢喜的如此迷惑的人。  即使在爱夫贤妻面前,你还是会常浮起对方的影子,他会挂念你,你会挂念他,这应该不算不忠于自己的家庭,只是萦绕在心头割舍不了的一份情节。  知己,说到底还是一种不可解释的情怀.

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007


This happened in office today.

Colleague A, came out from her boss's room carrying a pile of papers and a banana from his out-tray.

(note: The banana was one of the fruits given to each staff for that week. Apparently, what her boss meant was that he don't want the banana.)

"Weird orh." she told us. "Cannot tell me, must put in his out-tray one".

With that she passed the banana to another colleague.

"Why give me? U take lah". said Colleague B

"He don't want his banana. u take lah"

"She also don't want his banana. Hahahaha". The rest of us laughed.

Yet this colleague A still added:
" U see , his banana so thick and big. So disgusting , no wonder he don't want it."

(with that, everyone burst out laughing).



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Saturday, March 24, 2007

一切剩下的 只是记忆...


1) Sentosa Musical Fountain

Despite having been to Sentosa when I was in Primary School, I have never been to the Sentosa musial fountain.
i guessed I'd never have the chance to watch the fountain show if not for a friend (at that Time he was still a friend)

The news of the closure of Sentoso Musical Fountain really caught my eyes when I was browsing through the newspaper a couple of days ago. I never thought that the popular attraction would have to make way for Sentosa's future development.

If I'm not wrong, the musical fountain show which I watched was the "4th generation" of the show -- with 3D effects and a cartoon character call Kiki. I could still remembered how I jumped a little from my seat when the balls of fire suddenly sprang out and the heat could be feel even we were siting quite a few rows agao from the stage.

A short notice abt the closure of the fountain can be found here:

Magical Sentosa

Prepare to be charmed by Magical Sentosa and its cast of characters in thisS$4-million sound, light and laser extravaganza at the Musical Fountain. During the half-hour multi-media musical, Kiki the hyperactive monkey and his friends will bring you on a journey into a secret Sentosa unknown to the world.

Meet the singing and dancing octopus and jellyfish and the beautiful Princess Pearl who will cast her spell on you with her siren song. Thanks to amazing special effects - a combination of state-of-the-art lasers and computer graphics, water jets and fiery flames - your Magical Sentosa experience will be quite unforgettable.

* Popular time slot. Guests attending the 7.40pm show are requested to be seated before 7.00pm to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for all. Gates will be closed at 7.00pm or once we have reached full capacity. Please come early to avoid disappointment.

Musical Fountain bids farewell on 26 March 2007
Situated within the new Resorts World at Sentosa site, the musical fountain is closing to make way for the resort's upcoming development works. If you like to catch this water show again, don't miss the nightly Magical Sentosa shows at 7.40pm & 8.40pm from now till 26 March 2007.

( Copied the whole passage as I am afraid the link will no longer be available after 26 March)

2) This news didn't make it on the Stairt Times but i appeared in Life!, 。 Chanced upon it a few days after the reports of the closure of Sentosa Musical Fountain.

Devil's Bar , located at Orchard Parade Hotel will be closed soon and will reopen as a Western food restaurant. The reason behind was that there were complaints abt the noise from the hotel guests.

Devil's Bar was the 1st pub I had visited before I was into my 2nd job where we had organised some parties at pubs.

22 岁才去clubbing, 听起来真是有点suah-koo

所以,一直到2003 年,有个我信得过的人提议带我去那里去看看环境,我才敢踏进“那种地方”。

带我去Devil's Bar 的朋友, 也就是那位带我去看Sentosa Fountain Show 的,只不过那时的他,“身份” 已不同了。

Frankly speaking, I couldn't remember much of the experience to Devil's Bar. Not because I was drunk ( 人家可是个正人君子)nor 陶醉在二人世界里, but becos I really cant see anything shortly I entered the pub.
Why? Cos my spectacles (i haven't start wearing contact lens then) were "confiscated" by the then-bf. The reason behind, as he put it: 1) better for me not to wear glasses in such places, 2) apart from seeing him and the drinks which are within my visability distance ( i have high degree of short sightedness), I shouldn't care abt not able to see other people.
起初还以为她不让我看到帅哥,后来体会到在那种环境里,让我处于“眼不见为净” 状况,是一种保护. Could only remembered there was a live band singing . And someone got "high" and start dancing in the middle with a crowd watched on. As we left the place before midnight ( he knew abt my curfew then),I was suprised to find a long queue forming at the entrance.

So I reached home safely in one piece before the clock striked 12, but not for him... Dun want to reveal it , but that was the reason why I'd never forget that experience.

也不知道为什么,这几年里,虽然有机会去圣淘沙,虽然父母不再管我几点回到家,我也没有机会再去以上所提的那两个地方 (虽然说如果我要的话, 是以结伴朋友一起去的)。

Perhaps, once is enough...

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

wanted to write abt two places which are closing down but since I am in a rush, better save it for another day.

Am picking up more responsibility at work. Learnt how to key in payroll for ca usual staff today. And then in the midst, had to go and help out at the big briefing for casual staffs.

Realised that as HR personnel, you'll have to conduct quite a few number of briefings. Was involved in two briefings yesterday, and nearly thought I was trapped in office cos I had lost my locker keys while walking ard between the two floors. Turned out that cleaner uncle had picked while he was abt to knock off and it and thinking it was just normal cabinet key, he brought it home, thinking to return to my department the next day.

Ho we got to know cleaner Uncle has the keys is a long story,.. and as for how i managed to go home... well , it so happened that cleaner uncle leave near a lady who is working evening shift at the drinks stall of the coffeeshop just outside my office building. So the keys were passed to her and i got them at 6pm.

Me heng hor....

Today's briefing was quite chaotic, partly because of a larger crowd. The main thing was, we forgot that most of the causal staff whom we need to brief them on the introduction of the new TMS system were aunties. u know lah .."安娣本色"...
After a few sentences, they become so excited and start talking among themselves and then asking questions . While we deal with their queries, another group start talking again.

The feeling was like we 3 are teachers in a rowdy class of little children... Really tempted to say : "大家安静,听我们先讲完".

Then, there were some "cute incidents":

1) Just like some "假厉害”kids, some auntie give her fellow colleagues the wrong instructions. While we asked them to sign on the line stated "employee", some dun pay attention and prefer to consult their friends. So this auntie got her friends to cancel whatever they had written under ‘employee' column and get them to sign on the section meant for us instead.

“My friend asked me to sign here one," replied one auntie when I pointed out her mistake.

That line sounds familiar hor?
" My friend say this...." "My friend say that...."

2) While directing them to the new machine on the other floor, these aunties are so excited that all wanna squeeze into the lift . The lift did not move and everyone get out and all tried to squeeze into the next lift.

In the end, both lifts were jammed at that level and we all had to climb the stairs instead.

3) This was according to my fellow colleague. while explaining to them that they need to press the button "5" of they keypad to clock in., many start asking:

"what if I press 2?"
"what if i press 3?"

So that briefing really left us slight mentally drained. Furthermore it's Financial year closing month and we gotta clear our work for the month. Anyway we just laughed over those "cute encounters" & take it that we learnt from this experience that we should conduct small group briefings in future.

After being with the company for more than a month, found that not many people work long OT. Staying past 6.30pm is considered quite late to some. (most knock off ard 5.30pm or 6pm, depending on their shift) I think the latest I ever stayed was until 7.15pm.. That is only ard an hr of OT.

As quite an amount of some time had been spend at the briefing session, I was thinking to complete of the payroll in the evening, even though I can do them tomorrow. Then at 6.30pm, another colleague who walked past teased me why am I working so late.

If i was at my previous company, nobody gives a damn if u are still in office at 6.30pm.

One of the few things I like abt my present company is that there are nice colleagues around. There isn't much class difference as compared to my previous company.There are times where colleagues with cars (even from other departments) offered to send us to the nearest MRT station although the shuttle bus service is still available.

So end up I din manage to finish all my work even though i would wanna stay up to complete it, Cos this colleague checked with my manager on what time we intend to knock off, and offered to send us to the nearest MRT. So under the "pressure" of people having to wait for me, I was "forced" to leave my work halfway done. haha

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Monday, March 19, 2007

the curse of the ....

I think my mum put a curse on me...

The unluckier I am, the luckier she gets.

or rather,

I more blood I lost, the more $ she gets...

Last evening she was listening to 4D results, and said she won 1st prize i bet . I was wondering what she buy the number 6557.

Then later i realised it's the permutation of my IC number. (and i din even tot of buying)


Then i guessed what had given her the inspiration --- i lost lot of blood after having wisdom tooth extraction a few days ago. and last week, i suffered a big bruise after blood test.

Think a year ago, I happened to mention to my mum that I dunno why I had been so "suay" lately, knocking into things here and there, getting cuts. And that weekend, she happily claim she won 4D and the winning number is my IC. Apparently, what I had mentioned to her had inspired her to buy "my number".

Coincidence, u might say.

Wondered what she prayed whenever she goes to temple....
I shudder at the thought of praying that I suffered more so that she can have more winnings.


one thing to note : even when she won by buying my number, i dun receive a cent as an "ang pow" hor.

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Saturday, March 17, 2007

DIY earrings

Went to sleep late last nite cos I was so engross in making earrings . 既然当时有灵感,又有“闲情”,I rather continue making it then to put it off to the next day. It was my first attempt making earrings from scratch.

Now I know why earrings cos just as much as necklace, cos they are much more difficult to makes, U really gotta have fine hands.

Tata, may i present you my latest creation ... (click for a large view)

(i know, pic is blur. That's the best my 3 year old, "take a pic, battery died" digicam can do. Need to get a new camera soon...) .

Purposely make one long and another one short. Design for each is also slightly different. Who says that earrings have to be identical? :P

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Friday, March 16, 2007

my visual DNA

saw this test at Nicco's blog, so decided to try it and here's my results. Not surprising hor...

Read my VisualDNA Get your own VisualDNA™

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bye Bye another wisdom

This may seems crazy. Here i am blogging now just in a couple of hours after my wisdom tooth extraction.

Had seen the dentist on Monday evening, which he suggested having the extraction in the morning instead. cos part of the wisdom tooth already gone, he not sure if can pull out by normal extraction. Cos if not, have to proceed to surgery. And if there is any excessive bleeding, can a least follow up in the day rather than having to send me to A&E. Tuesday morning not a good day to be off at work cos fellow colleague had taken leave. And guess what, this dentist also said my two lower wisdom teeth also have to be taken out sooner or later.

2.5 yrs ago, another dentist from another clinic also mentioned the same thing....

My RO was like asking: "u sure u one day MC?". Cos 4 of her wisdom tooth were extracted by surgery . I told her from my experience abt 2.5 yrs ago ( , it can be done by normal extraction and of cos I hope to report to work after a day MC. (Cos that means no surgery.)

So yesterday, at office, we were joking abt that was the last chance for me to eat junk food before i have my tooth extraction. Snacked on the Kettle Cheddar Beer Potato Chips, cakes from Han's .

Even though at the end of the day I was joking them to them to pray for me that i only be getting 1 day MC, i had to admit I couldn't help worrying abt the possibility of having dental surgery to remove the tooth.


Appointment was scheduled at 9.30am. Notice that the dentist who came was not the one who had examined my teeth on Monday. Much younger guy with dyed hair. After having the bad experience of a female dentist who claimed that she dun think she can extract my tooth in the midst of my last wisdom tooth extraction, I preferred to have a male dentist for extraction.

9.30am -- reached dental clinic
9.45am -- seated on the dental chair
before 10am -- wisdom tooth extracted

(i know the extraction was done b4 10am cos receipt show that the time of payment was 10.02 am).

I can proudly proclaim that I din even tear at all, even when given the anaesthetic jab. The assistant was prepared to hold my head still during the extraction, but later she think it was not necessary and kept her hands off my head. Same thing happened again as my last experience, one dose of anaesthetic was not enough, for i feel pain in the midst of the extraction and ask for another.

Was given a day MC and was told to have a good rest. but then i reach home ard 11am after buying Panadol Extra(due to my weak stomach, not advisable to take those painkillers which dental clinic prescribe), instant porridge and liang-teh.

Tried to sleep but end up having illusions of food. (I also dunno why, but my stomach was growling).
Give up trying to sleep. So get out of bed at 12.30pm, went downstairs to buy milk.

Since I have nothing to do, so blog abt it lor.

Heh heh, has ask for my tooth before leaving the clinic. Wanna take a pic of it before throw it away. I did my best attempt to minimise any grossness.

So whatever u see here is the good part of the tooth, for half of the molar already gone.

I wonder what is the use of wisdom teeth for both dentists mentioned that they are hard to maintain. which lucky person did not experience any discomfort when their wisdom teeth grew out and had perfect wisdom teeth over the years.

See what i had found while sourcing for info on wisdom tooth:

Why Should an Impacted Wisdom Tooth be Removed if it Hasn't Caused any Trouble?

Impacted wisdom teeth are almost certain to cause problems if left in place. This is particularly true of the lower wisdom teeth. Such problems may occur suddenly, and often at the most inconvenient times.

When is the Best Time to Have my Wisdom Teeth Removed?

It is now recommended by specialists that impacted wisdom teeth be removed between the ages of 14 and 22 years whether they are causing problems or not. Surgery is technically easier and patients recover much more quickly when they are younger. What is a relatively minor operation at 20 can become quiet difficult in patients over 40. Also the risk of complications increases with age, and the healing process is slower.

Some Pro's of Removing a Wisdom Tooth:
* Wisdom teeth may be hard to access with your toothbrush or floss. Over time, the accumulation of bacteria, sugars and acids may cause a cavity to form in the tooth. If it is not restored with a filling, the cavity may spread and destroy more tooth structure causing severe consequences to the tooth and surrounding supportive structures.

* Due to the difficulty of keeping these teeth clean with your daily home care (brushing and flossing), bacteria and food debris remaining on the wisdom teeth may present a foul smell-causing bad breath.

*A wisdom tooth that is still under the gums in a horizontal position (rather than a vertical position) may exert pressure to the surrounding teeth, causing crowding and crooked teeth. This also may occur if there is not enough space in the mouth for the wisdom tooth. This may warrant braces to repair the damage.

*A wisdom tooth that is still under the gums may become irritated. The gum tissue that lays over the tooth may harbor food debris and bacteria that gets trapped under the gum, resulting in an infection in the gums.


Wisdom teeth to be remove ard 14-22 yrs old?!!! Woah, I am already past the age group.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

我的左手有黄绿红 (不是王力宏)。
big orh-chay appeared after the blood test of Friday's Health Screening. owww看起来好像被人打。

It seems like this month is gonna be a "check up month". Health screening on Friday, radiology tests on Sat, and tomorrow, I am going for my dental checkup. Felt some pain ard the upper left jaw, guess it's the wisdom tooth that is giving me problem.

Had a pretty scary experience 2.5 yrs ago ( see blog post, hence i made an apointment at a new dental clinic instead.

So after the radiology test yesterday morning to today, I te a lot of "unhealthy food'. Cos i may not get to eat them for a period if the dentist's "verdict" is to extract my tooth. Lets see, I had ice-cream at Plack( at haji Lane). Was looking forward to savour Island creamery ice cream but upon reaching there, the staff told me they do not carry Island Creamery ice cream anymore. So I settled for a double scoop of choco-mint & peach rum.

Ordered Buffalo wings and fried you-tiao at Muchuan while listening to Monsters performance. Was abt to check with the waitress if the chicken wings were spicy and out came a plate of Buffalo Wings with thick spicy chilli sauce from the kitchen. Din wanna trouble the waitresses Freda & Flora much so just request them to wash off the chili sauce from my plate of chicken wings even though they suggested scrapping the chilli off . 想必她们是很尽责的,for I saw Freda carefully dabbing the sauce from he wings when I happened to walk past their counter .

Had dim sum for supper.-- 4 har gao & 4 siew mais.

Today's intake is even worse -- you char kueh, cracker, biscuits, M&M chocolates....

well, let me enjoy first, can?

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Thursday, March 08, 2007

Health screening and other matters

Had been busy at work these few days. Guess it is the same with those people who are working in the public sector as March is the busiest month of the year -- Financial year Closing!

And for our department, we are having the Health Screening for our staff conducting at our office premises. I know for other offices, the staff will have to go for their health screening at the designated 3 locations.

Why ours is special cos we have quiet a number of staff hence the request was put up and the clinic is fine with it.

Must say this current company is more generous than my prev, for we are given free comprehensive health screening package (which is abt $150 per person). Lot of tests to be done -- from the normal height & weight measurements, blood pressure, cholesterol test, urine analysis, stool analysis to full blood count, kidney & liver function, bone disease, Hep a &B screening, uric acid, ovarian cancer marker, thyroid function, rheumatoid factor, chest xray, ECG & ultrasound.

yah scary man.

having the health screening conducted at our premises makes it convenient to the staff, but it also means more work to some. Had to help out a the logistics side, such as booking rooms, covering the new tables with protective cover sheets. As HR and under staff welfare committee, i was also informed that we need to provide biscuits and milo to staff, cos all off them have to fast from 10pm the previous nite until they had their blood drawn. Hmm how come my prev company din think of that. So i actually learn quite a lot by helping out.

So tomorrow is the day, which i jokingly term is as Hell Screening , (see ppl screaming lke hell at the sight of blood, prepare to be busy like hell). One thing tat colleagues have been talking abt is the container given to use to collect stool sample.

now i am quite surprise that some dunno what is the meaning of
stool. (click on it, see the 2nd definitions). Quite disgusting to think of it, we have to collect our sample and put it into the container and bring it to work.

What is nature did not make the call? That was the question most would ask.

Guess many will be praying today: pls let me have "output" by tomorrow morning.



So nice to see Nana & Nicco starting new blogs (links on the left). Like their short and sweet entries regarding designs.

Ooh, i love most of the things they featured.
Woah really tempted to get my hands on the items.

hmm... perhaps I can make use of their blog entries as my wish list items.

Thanks arh! :p

Bumped into the GM at the lift lobby this afternoon. He asked me how long have I been ard. " 2 weeks? "

I calculated. Woah! Slightly more than a month.

How fast time seems to have passed this year! tot not long ago I was celebrating New Year, then Chinese New Year.

Fannie reminded me that I have 5 more months to prepare for THAT DAY. Woah, expecting a party from me already arh.

Suddenly tot of having an Oriental theme. What do you guys think?

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Monday, March 05, 2007


Finally completed watching the last episode of 《花样少年少女》on the web.

For those who are watching the serials through Channel U, I know the ending, I know the ending!

But i am not going to be a spoiler.

Haiz, frankly speaking, I was disappointed by the ending. It was different from the ending of the original comic ( or what i heard ). I guess the producer changed the ending so that he can come up with a sequel in the future.


So all this craziness has ended. I better get back to whatever I had put off. Yah, have not write abt the Day 5 of my Taiwan trip.

*sheepish look*.

by the way, there's a link to Wu Zun's blog at the left column. The url was shared by my Taiwanese friend. So dun say I din share arh. Had shown flutterby the link and she was dripping with saliva after viewing the pictures. kekekeke.

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